How quickly will things get very bad for this Pc?

edited January 2022 in General Discussion

My GM from my last post has another problem, but with a different player, but this could be even worse. How quickly will things get very bad for this Pc?

This time its The Pc that using The Apprentice Wizard that wants to join The Light College, her player plans to name her Delphini after Voldemort and Bellatrix's Daughter from The Cursed Child and has given her a very similiar background

Even worse is that her very a similar background to her namesake, means her parents are 1 ale Warlock that use's Chaos Magic and 1 Female Warlock that use Necromancy

This Delphini will have been orphaned at only 23 days old when her parents were killed in a great battle with good and it gets worse

It gets worse because between them they commanded A Force of 156 lesser things like Undead, Lesser Beastmen, Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Chaos Marauders as well as 18 Elites in the form of 7 Ogres, 4 Trolls, 4 Centaurs, 1 Black Orc Chief, 1 Giant and 1 Wraith

Can you see how big a problem will this be?. I mean Delphini, like her namesake, can't help that both her parents were among the most powerful Chaos Aligned Warlocks of their age, she has also made a point of making it known that she's as different from her parents as day is to night and joining The Light Order will help

But lets be honest with the bloodline she's got theirs no way that their isn't  some Sigmar Priests out their that will want her dead so much that they'll willingly they'll work with followers of Ulric

Post edited by marshalljames1 on


  • thaen
    Posts: 1,088

    The GM can always give her a powerful friend/ally that believes in her like a Dumbledore.  : )


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235 edited January 2022
    I've spotted a mistake and 1 thing I left out. Sorry

    The mistake is that her parents weren't among the most powerful Chaos Aligned Warlocks of their age they were the 2 most powerful Chaos Aligned Warlocks of their age

    The 1 thing I left out is that in her veins flows the blood of 11 of the 27 most powerful Chaos Aligned Warlocks of the last 1,000 years
    Post edited by marshalljames1 on
  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235

    I did think about giving her a powerful friend/ally that believes in her like a Dumbledore but I figured it would never work or that she'd need a lot of powerful friends/allies

    After all with what her parents were(see last post) and whose blood flows in her veins(again see last post), 1 powerful friend/ally won't be anywere near enough, even if it were someone like Karl Franz, Volmar or Balthazar Gelt and lets be honest even if they would help by the time they heard about it she'd likely be long dead

    Making it even worse is that even if someone like Karl Franz, Volmar or Balthazar Gelt did back her up and support her their would stil be fanatics that would still kill her simply because its what's best for The Empire

  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235 edited January 2022
    I've decided to put in the correct version and added in a few other things that I forgot

    My GM Friend from my last post has another problem, but with a different player, but this could be even worse. How quickly will things get very bad for this Pc?

    This time its The Pc that using The Apprentice Wizard that wants to join The Light College, her player to name her Delphini after Voldemort and Bellatrix's Daughter from The Cursed Child and he has given her a very similiar background

    Even worse is as part of the very similiar background that the male player has given her parents are 1 Male Warlock that use's Chaos Magic and 1 Female Warlock that use Necromancy

    This Delphini will have been orphaned at only 23 days old when her parents were killed in a great battle with the forces of good and it gets worse

    It gets worse because between them they commanded A Force of 158 lesser things like normal(?) Undead, Ungors, Skaven, Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Chaos Marauders as well as 19 Elites in the form of 7 Ogres, 4 Trolls, 4 Centaurs, 1 Black Orc Chief, 1 Giant, 1 Chaos Knight and 1 Wraith

    Can you see how big a problem will this be?. I mean Delphini, like her namesake, can't help that her parents were The 2 most powerful Chaos Aligned Warlocks of their age, she has also made a point of making it known that she's as different from her parents as day is to night and her making it widely know that she plans to join g The Light Order will help

    But lets be honest with the bloodline she's got theirs no way that their isn't some Sigmar Priests out their that will want her dead so much that they'll willingly work with followers of Ulric

    Making things even worse then things already are for her is that in her veins flows the blood of 11 of the 27 most powerful Chaos Aligned Warlocks of the last 1,000 years
    Post edited by marshalljames1 on
  • thaen
    Posts: 1,088

    I'm not familiar with this game world, but is there a way to hide her heritage?  Could that magic item (?) or ability (?) be something the ally provides?  (Like putting Harry with his muggle extended family ... )

    Alternatively, maybe a backstory and/or a piece of jewelry/ring that has her marked as "protected" by the Emperor due to a legend or prophecy that someone such as her will one day save the Empire?

    That would give possible ways for the GM to "turn up the heat" by temporarily pulling either of the items (the "hide heritage" or the "marked as protected") away, and then have the PCs deal with a little extra pressure or needing to be extra sneaky until they got it back.  Or even for groups that could see through the "hide heritage" or other groups that don't care what the Emperor says.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235

    In the last minute I've had a call that told me it was very nearly several times worse for Delphini then it already is, but luckily The GM thought better of it without my input

    You likely don't believe me but it did come very close to being several times  worse for Delphinii then it already is, how? you ask,  simple, and the answer is that The GM claims that he came within seconds of letting the player make Delphini The Illegitimate Love Child of Archaon

    Lets be honest if The GM had allowed that then I reckon that the only thing that could have saved Delphini would be direct divine intervention from Sigmar and by direct I'm not talking about Sigmar sending a vision, I'm talking about Sigmar making a personal appearance

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