BUG REPORT - image divs don't reduce the size back after hover is over


One of my players found an annoying (yet minor) bug.

When you have an image div inside a small area, like an accordion item, hovering over it causes that area to grow and a scroller appears.

But when the hover is over, the image disappears but the size of the area remains large and the scroller still appears:


Now I hover over a name, the image appears and the area grows, with the scroller on the right:


When I stop hovering, the image disappears, but the area is still larger and the scroller still appears, even through it is just empty space after the text:





  • thaen
    Posts: 1,088

    That's interesting!  Can you share the URL of that page?

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,088

    Refresh a few times and try it now.  The scrollbars should disappear after the image hides now.

    That said, there's a tweak you could make to your Campaign's CSS that would have the image display "over/outside" the accordion box, so it won't make the scrollbars appear at all when the image is visible, and for links near the bottom of the accordion box area, you won't have to scroll down to see the image.  (Not everyone may want this tweak, so that's why I'm not making it part of the code.)

    .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-content {
    overflow: visible;


    Obsidian Portal Developer

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