Greetings from Scotland

edited November 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Garmo
    Posts: 3
    Been gaming for about 5 years now. Started with a second hand copy of WFRP 1st edition which was picked up one summer out of curiosity and haven't looked back since. It didn't take long before I volunteered to GM and since then I have been doing the bulk of GMing. I have stuck to much the same group during this period but have recently decided to venture into the wider world of gaming.
    Game systems I have played include WFRP, Dark Heresy, Cyberpunk 2020, SotC and 3:16.

    Currently working on a near future cyberpunk game using Tri-Stat called Plan Cuba, heavily inspired by Jagged Alliance and the film Che. I decided to post the game in order to stimulate discussion with my players, who (all bar one) have yet to sign up.

    Have been swithering recently as to whether to shift the game setting to a fictional country. Any opinions/feedback on this matter are welcome.

  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Legend of the Five Rings refers to bushido (Japanese samurai code of honor) and components thereof, but the one sourcebook I have devoted an entire half-page to explaining "THIS GAME DOES NOT TAKE PLACE IN FEUDAL JAPAN - IT TAKES PLACE IN (REGION NAME HERE) THAT IS VERY SIMILAR".

    The reason for the disclaimer? So GMs didn't have to worry about folks who showed up at their game saying "According to this historical account, there's precedent for my character being able to do this!". By very deliberately setting the game system in a fictional country, they made it easier for GMs to ensure that the game was played according to Rules As Written And/Or Communally Interpreted.

    That's the only reason I can think of that you'd need to "relocate" your campaign. If you have a player who would try to gain an in-game advantage based on researching what's happened in "the real Cuba", then move it. If you don't think you have to worry about it, then don't worry about it. It'll save you time coming up with derivative names for everything. =)
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