How old are you?


  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Just a general question to throw out there- how old are you? I'm curious as to what the average user age is here.

    I'm 25, myself, and based on conversations and information gleaned from profiles, I feel like I'm probably one of the younger members. That may not be true, though, hence this thread.

    So, satisfy my curiosity and let us know how old you are!
  • Jason
    Posts: 21
    26, as of today.

    Happy birthday to me! Hooray!
  • outrider
    Posts: 46
    I was born in 1957 makes me 51.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Happy birthday, Jason! And I will turn 33 this May.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Happy Birthday!

    I'm 24, making me the youngest thus far!
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. I’m 24, making me the youngest thus far!

    I think AidanDark may have you beat.

    Also, Happy Birthday to Jason.
  • darkliquid
    Posts: 21
    I'm 24.

    Also, happy birthday Jason
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    36. No longer in the coveted "male 18-to-34" demographic, which is apparently fine with me.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    bq. I think AidanDark may have you beat.

    He might, but I said, thus far. And thus far AidanDark hasn't posted his age.

    Of course, darkliquid is also 24 so I'm already sharing the bottom of the age barrel and I'm totally ready to eat my words when the 14-18 demographic starts posting. And in case you don't think that age range is prevalent on this site, my buddy is on this site ("kirksimo": and he's 15.
  • eleusis
    Posts: 8
    Just turned 30, but it doesn't feel like it.

    P-eater, did you have a thing for She-Ra?
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. P-eater, did you have a thing for She-Ra?

    No, actually. My sister spent most of her early childhood trying to be her, though, and only recently it's sort of come back up as a weird little inside joke between she, a few mutual friends, and myself.


    Would you believe I already have that video favorited?
  • Jason
    Posts: 21
    Aw, shucks, thanks all!

    But _I_ had a thing for She-Ra.
  • geekevolved
    Posts: 75
    I'm 22 and I'm several months younger than Aidan ;)
  • eleusis
    Posts: 8
    At the peak of its popularity, He-man had a huge following. A mild, "Clark Kent-ish" alter ego who transforms into a fair-handed yet beastly man who is in-turn named for the masculine attributes that he possesses. She-ra came on the scene slightly later in an attempt to appeal to a larger demographic. As the twin sister of He-man she also has the ability to transform into a super-hero. These two gender based shows are questionably sexist yet offered something for both boys and girls. He-man received the "Power" of Greyskull while She-ra was imbued with the "Honor" of Greyskull. Most likely this was an attempt to appeal to the female audience who might be turned-off by the masculine aspect of He-man's "Power" and differentiated it by giving her something different which allows She-ra to retain her femininity. But this brings me to my point... As roleplayers who have the opportunity, as a DM or a cross-gendered-player, we get to explore the differences between the sexes by way of personality and in-game mechanics. No doubt, most players would offer that given the same starting stats a female character is equal to a male character yet there is still this idea, shared by some sources, that the female hero's "Power" is slightly different than that of a male hero. I , for one, say that She-ra would lose nothing if she were to be imbued with the "Power" of greyskull as opposed to its "Honor" and in the same way He-man must have posses all aspects of Greyskull including its "Power", "Honor", and possibly a little bit of "Sparkle" as well.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    The number of absolutely wrong He-Man parodies I just found thanks to your link, eleusis....*sigh*

    And I'll tattle on Florimel, since I know he'll never read the forums and find out it was me. He's in his mid-40's. I think he turns 47 this June. I know he's been running games since 1974.
  • IceBob
    Posts: 98
    I'm 23 very long years old, if the gray hairs are any indication.
  • geekevolved
    Posts: 75
    Almost on the same note, a cashier at the grocery store told me today that I looked like I was 35 ;x Thats not as bad as my mom telling me I have a receding hairline on my 22nd birthday =/
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    bq. Thats not as bad as my mom telling me I have a receding hairline on my 22nd birthday =/

    And that's not as bad as having a receding hairline (without having to be told) after your _17th_ birthday, either. Take it from someone who knows.

    Being bald, prematurely or otherwise, is not a big deal, though, and to hell with anyone who thinks it is!

    Besides, the hairs I have left will be gray soon enough.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    I'm only 24 and my girlfriend found a gray hair yesterday. I'm excited, I think gray looks dignified and I know that I need all the dignity I can get.
  • Jennifer
    Posts: 78
    Good for you, Rob! I like to see a few gray hairs on a man. I'm 28, btw.
  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    I'm 31 and have no gray hairs. I'm positive. I layered them all with a chemical and now they're pretty and red again. :D

    And a slight correction on the She-Ra stuff... She was Adam's cousin, not twin sister. God help me for knowing that. :D
  • AidanDark
    Posts: 56
    Nearly 23 at this point in my career.
  • DMaple
    Posts: 63
    38 this year.
  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    I'm almost three and half. In Elf years that is:
  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    So you're.... 33?
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    Just turned 28! But I have gotten carded for R movies pretty much every time I go... I think it's because I'm short (5'2") haha. :)
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    24 now, 25 in March. Does any one else find it interesting most users are early 20's to mid 30's? I suppose it's the logic of getting older and still playing pen and paper games. I played mostly in college, for example, but when I graduate, we all left town. Now we are trying to get together again online. I feel like I'm finally using the internet for (one of) its intended purpose(s): long distance communication, not a substitute for the phone!
  • mcoorlim
    Posts: 39
    I turned 30 at the beginning of the month. I've been gaming since I was 11, rolling up a wizard named "Sparky Spelljammer", when an older friend (a fellow boy scout) was running the adventure that came with the DnD red box.

    I remember you had to color in the numbers on the plastic dice it came with.
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    bq. ...the adventure that came with the DnD red box.

    _Keep on the Borderlands?_ My first time ever playing D&D ended with a TPK at the goblin lair's entrance. I knew the game must have been good if I wanted to keep playing after that.

    bq. I remember you had to color in the numbers on the plastic dice it came with.

    That always makes me feel old-school, but then, that was the norm when I started playing as well. Imagine my surprise when I found out that some grognards used to draw chits!
  • mcoorlim
    Posts: 39
    That's kinda what I'm trying to recapture with the GURPS Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk games I'm running via pbp.
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