A mate is letting me give info on A Pirates of Drinax Campaign he's in. Here's how it went


A mate is letting me give info on A Pirates of Drinax Campaign he's in. Here's how it went and sadly my mates says that I've got to post it exactly as he E-Mailed it to me

Part 1

My Characters Character generation

Str 9+2 or 11 Dex 11-2 or 9, Endurance 10, Int 9 and Edu 9

His families lands

A 4 means he’s from A Great Clan, A 3 means he’s his fathers oldest child, The Ancestral roll is A 5+1 or 6 which means +2 Territory, Past roll 1’s A 12 which means +6 Territory and Past roll 2’s A 9 which means +3 Territory


So he’s got A Social Scale of 11 and A Territory of 11 and that means that he has The Skill Leadership /1 or +2

Rite of passage

I roll A Double 2 so his Rite of Passage is +5 and he also get Cr 5,000

For his 3 Homeworld Skills I take Athletics –Wrestling /0 or +1, Melee –Unarmed /0 or +1 and Survival /0 or +1

Now for his career

I go for Ceremonial

He becomes A Clan Agent

Term 1

He gets Advocate /0 or +1, Diplomat /0 or +1, Investigate /0 or +1, Melee –Natural /0 or +1, Persuade /0 or +1 and Science /0 or +1

He survives and promotes

For surviving I roll on Clan Agent Specialist and get Deception /1 or +2 and for promoting I roll on development and he gets +1 Dex and reaching Rank 1 gets him Investigate /1 or +2

The event roll

It’s a 10, I expose him, I roll Melee –Natural, I roll 2D6+1 and get A 9, so I get +2 territory but I also gain A Enemy

Term 2

He survives and promotes

For surviving I roll on Clan Agent Specialist and get Stealth /1 or +2, for promoting I roll on Clan Agent Specialist and he gets Deception /2 or +3

The event roll

It’s a 6, I roll A 9 and have him gain Languages –K’ree /1 or +2

Term 3

He survives and promotes

For surviving I roll on Advanced Education and get Admin /1 or +2 and for promoting I roll on personal development and get +1 Str

The event roll

It’s a 7 or life event, I roll A 4 or Territory Challenge, I choose Melee –Natural, I roll 2D6+2 or get 10, that nets me +2 Territory

Term 4

He survives and promotes

For surviving I roll on Services  and for promoting I also roll on Services and their both A 1, that gives me Diplomat /2 or +5 and surviving nets me Streetwise /1 or +2

The event roll

It’s a 3, I trade the secret in, this nets me 1D6 Clan Shares or 5 Clan Shares but I gain A Powerful Clan Elder as A Eneny

Term 5

He survives and promotes

For surviving I roll on Service Skills and he gets Melee –Natural /2 or +4 and for promoting I roll on Clan Agent Specialist and he gets Investigate +1 Dex and reaching Rank 5 gets him Admin /2 or +4

The event roll

It’s a 9, so I get +1 TER and The Languages –Hivers /1 or +2 Skill

Term 6

He survives and promotes

For surviving I roll on Clan Agent Specialist and get Gun Combat –Energy Rifles /1 or +2 and for promoting I roll on Service Skills and get Persuade /1 or +2

The event roll

It’s a 6, I roll A 9 and get Advocate /1 or +3

The mishap

I roll A 5, I defend, my Advocate /1 and Territory 16 gives me +4, I roll A 10 +4 or 14 or a pass of +6


As that’s a exceptional pass The GM lets me be compensated to the sum of 1D6 or 4 Clan Shares, +1 Territory and be given enough training to get Medic /1 or +2

Mustering out

I get to make 9 rolls


I add +1 to each of them


I choose to make no rolls for cash benefits

Other benefits


I admit that this is the 1st time I’ve ever rolled more then 3 6’s in a row

A 5+1 or 6, A 1+1 or 2, 3+1 or 4, A 2+1 or 3, another 3+1 or 4 then 4 6’s +1 or 7’s in A Row

So he gets +2 Territory, +1 Edu, A Contact whose A Senior Merchant, A ceremonial Kinship and 16 Clan Shares

With his 24 Clan Shares he gets A Corporation worth Cr 35,000,000 that nets him 15% of that per year, which means Cr 5,250,000 per year, Cr 80,000 in cash and 10 Ship Shares

Every single 1 of my characters 10 Ship Shares reduce the cost of our Ship by Cr 10,000,000 per year, that means that they net him a total of Cr 9,000,000 per year


Normally serving for 24 years/6 terms nets him A Pension of Cr 12,000 per year but as he’s A Aslan he doesn’t get a pension


Here he is after character generation

Skills package

Its 1 The GM made and I take Pilot –Spacecraft /1 or +2 and Tactics –Piracy /1 or +2


The 1st

In Term 1 I bagged The Skill Languages -K’ree, we rule that The Scholar Pc taught me that and that boosts my Medic Skill to /2 or +3

The 2nd

In Term 4, I exposed the dishonourable behaviour of 1 of my kin, we rule that The Navy Pilot Pc helped me expose it and that boosts my Languages -K’ree Skill to /2 or +3


Str 12/+2, Dex 10/+1, End 10/+1, Int 9/+1, Edu 11/+1, SC 19/+4 and TER 19/+4


Admin /2 or +3, Advocate /1 or +5, Athletics –Wrestling /0 or +2, Deception /2 or +3, Diplomat /2 or +6, Investigate /1 or +2, Languages –Hivers /1 or +2 and K’ree /2 or +3, Leadership /1 or +5, Melee –Melee /1 or +3 and Natural /1 or +3, Medic /2 or +3, Pilot –Spacecraft /1 or +2, Persuade /1 or +2, Science /0 or +1, Stealth /1 or +2, Survival /0 or +1 and Tactics –Piracy /1 or +2


The GM rules that as he’s A Greater Aslan Lord that’s adventuring within Imperial Space he gets The Skills –Languages Aslan /4 or +5 and Basic /2 or +3



Cr 85,000

Ship shares


They each net him Cr 1,000,000 per year


That means that they net him a total of Cr 9,000,000 per year


1 Corporation worth Cr 35,000,000 that nets him 15% of that per year, which means Cr 5,250,000 per year


Because he’s A Aslan he doesn’t get a pension


1 Ceremonial Kinship

This gives me 3 Allies that end up being 1 Ally whose in The Army, 1 Ally whose in The Navy and 1 Ally whose A Powerful Merchant

People stuff

1 whose in The Army

1 whose in The Navy

1 whose A Powerful Merchant


1 wealthy merchant


1 of my Kin that acted dishonourably that I exposed

1 powerful clan elder that had a shameful secret that I exposed


I decide that my characters territory consists of the following

1 with A value of 9 on Khusai

This means it’s a Estate of considerable size, that includes 6 large gardens and a hunting estate that’s 4 kilometres in size

1 with A Value of 6 on Stohyus

This means it’s a large structure capable of housing the entire family and most of the pride, that has 2 large and 1 small gardens and 1.5 miles of open space

1 with A Value of 4 on Arunissir

This means it’s a fairly large house that can house the entire family as well as a large garden


  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235 edited December 2022
    Part 2

    Pc 2

    He’s A Star Marines type Marine who also serves as A Gunner


    Because of 1 of his Skills from The Skills Package he A decent Mechanic

    He retired after 6 Terms and he reached Rank 6 Officer/No NCO Rank

    His stats are Str 10, End 10, Dex 10, INT 10, Edu 9 and SS 10

    His regular Skills and their DM’s are Athletics -Dexterity /1 or +2 and Running /1 or +2, Deception /1 or +2, Electronics -Comms /1 or +2, Gun Combat -Energy Weapons /4 or +5, Gunner -Turrets /2 or +3, Heavy Weapons -Man Portable Artillery /2 or +3, Leadership /3 or +4, Stealth /2 or +3, Survival /1 or +2, Tactics -Marines /2 or +3 and Vacc Suit /1 or +2

    His Home World Skills are Drive /0 or +1, Electronics /0 or +1 and Medic /0 or +1

    His benefits were Cr 45,000, 1 suit of TL 10 Flak Armor, 1 TAS Membership, 1 TL 11 Laser Rifle, 1 TL 6 Cutlass, +1 INT and +1 EDU

    His Skills from The Skills Package The GM made and their DM’s are Mechanic /1 or +2 and Languages -Vagyr /1 or +2

    His Skill boosts from connections raising Vacc Suit from /0 or +1 to /1 or +2 and raising Gun Combat -Energy Weapons from /3 or +4 to /4 or +5

    Pc 3

    He’s A Pilot Type Navy who is also A qualified Sensor Operator


    Because of 1 of his Skills from The Skills package he also serves as The Back-up Engineer

    He retired after 6 Terms and he reached Rank 5 Officer/Rank 2 NCO

    His stats are Str 10, End 10, Dex 10, INT 10, Edu 12 and SS 12

    His regular Skills and their DM’s are Admin /0 or +2, Astrogation /2 or +4, Drive /0 or +2, Deception /1 or +2, Diplomat /1 or +2, Electronics /0 or +2, Engineer -Jump Drive /1 or +2 and Power /1 or +3, Gun Combat /1 or +2, Leadership /2 or +4, Melee -Blade /1 or +2, Mechanic /2 or +4, Navigation /0 or +2, Pilot -Spacecraft /4 or +5, Recon /1 or +3, Tactics -Naval /3 or +5 and Vacc Suit /2 or +3

    His Home World Skills are Diplomat /0 or +1, Languages /0 or +1, Medic /0 or +1 and Recon /0 or +1

    His 9 benefits were Cr 35,000, 4 Ship Shares, +2 EDU, +1 INT and 1 TL 11 Laser Rifle

    His Skills from The Skills Package The GM made and their DM’s are Engineer -Jump Drive /1 or +2 and Survival /1 or +2

    His Skill boosts from connections increase Pilot -Spacecraft from /3 or +4 to /4 or +5 and increase Leadership from /2 or +4 to /3 or +5

    Pc 4

    He’s A Engineer Type Navy who also serves as A Mechanic


    Because of 1 of his Skills from The Skills package he also serves as The Back-up Pilot

    He retired after 6 Terms and he reached Rank 5 Officer/No NCO Rank

    His stats are Str 8, End 9, Dex 10, INT 8, Edu 9 and SS 12

    His regular Skills and their DM’s are Admin /0 or +2, Astrogation /2 or +4, Deception /1 or +2, Diplomat /1 or +3, Drive /0 or +2, Electronics /0 or +2, Engineer -Jump Drive /3 or +5, Power /1 or +3 and M-Drive /1 or +3, /0 or +2, Gambler /1 or +2, Gun Combat /2 or +3, Leadership /3 or +5, Melee -Blade /1 or +2, Mechanic /2 or +4, Navigation /0 or +2, Steward /1 or +2, Tactics -Naval /2 or +4 and Vacc Suit /2 or +3

    His Home World Skills are Diplomat /0 or +1, Languages /0 or +1 and Medic /0 or +1

    His 9 benefits were Cr 60,000, 4 Ship Shares, +1 INT, +1 EDU, 1 TAS Membership and +2 SS

    His Skills from The Skills Package The GM made and their DM’s are Piloting /1 or +2 and Melee –Blade /1 or +1

    His Skill boosts from connections increase Engineer -Jump Drive from /2 or +4 to /3 or +5 and increase Leadership from /2 or +4 to /3 or +5

    Pc 5

    She’s A Scholar whose The Ships Medic


    Because of her Skills from The Skills package she’s both A Very Good Broker and A Good Translator of The Aslan Language

    She retired after 6 Terms and she reached Rank 6

    Her stats are Str 6, End 7, Dex 9, INT 9, Edu 13 and SS 10

    Her regular Skills and their DM’s are Advocate /2 or +4, Diplomat /1 or +2, Drive /1 or +3, Electronics -Jump Drive /1 or +3, Investigate /2 or +4, Medic /4 or +6, Persuade /1 or +3, Science -Archeology /2 or +4 and Genetics /2 or +4, Tactics -Piracy /1 or +3 and Vacc Suit /1 or +2

    A event roll of A 3 netted her A 10th Benefit Roll, Science -Archeology /2 or +4 and Genetics /2 or +4 and 3 Enemies

    Her Homeworld Skills are Advocate /0 or +2, Electronics /0 or +2, Gambler /0 or +0, Mechanic /0 or +2 and Persuade /0 or +2

    Her Skills from The Skills Package The GM made and their DM’s are Broker /1 or +3 and Languages -Aslan /1 or +3

    Her Skill boosts from connections increase Advocate from /2 or +4 to /3 or +5 and Vacc Suit from /1 or +2 to /2 or +3

    Her 9+1 or 10 benefits are Cr 125,000, 1 TL 12 Medikit, 1 TL 12 Technicians Kit, +2 INT, A 50% Ownership in A Lab Ship and 2 Ship Shares
    Post edited by marshalljames1 on
  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235 edited December 2022
    Part 3


    We have A 50% Ownership in A Lab Ship and we have 20 Ship Shares that knock the price down by Cr 20,000,000

    That means that the loan is reduced from Cr 135,901,800 to a mere Cr 47,950,900

    We decide to sell it and use the money to get A more manageable Ship

    The Scholar makes her 3D6+3 Broker Roll and gets 5+3+4+3 or 15

    That means that we sell it for 20% more then its market value

    That means that it sells for Cr 163,082,980

    As we are on A World with A Civil Service Bureaucracy Government we have to pay taxes amounting to 18%

    That's a massive Cr 29,354,938 but we are still left with Cr 133,728,042

    All in all that gives us Cr 134,130,042

    We decide to use Cr 78,025,500 to outright buy A 2nd edition version of The 300 ton Rhapsody class Merchant Trader

    With Cr 54,669,780 of the other Cr 56,105,438 we buy A 63.6% ownership in A 200 ton Star-Ray Class Interceptor

    That leaves us with Cr 1,445,658

    The Pcs operate The 2nd edition version of The 300 ton Rhapsody class Merchant Trader<

    The 200 ton Star-Ray Class Interceptor has 6 Marines, 2 Gunners, 1 Fighter Pilot, 1 Engineer, 1 Astrogator, 1 Pilot and 1 Captain that all have A +2 DM in their Key Skills and A +1 DM in their 2 none key Skills

    As this is Pirates of Drinax we get A Busted up Harrier that has no repairs but we give it A Cre of 3 Marines, 2 Gunners, 1 Medic, 1 Sensor Operator, 1 Junior Engineer, 1 Senior Engineer, 1 Pilot, 1 1st Officer and 1 Captain that all have A +3 DM in their Key Skills and A +2 DM in their 3 none key Skills

    All in all those ships and their crews costs us Cr 346,660 a month or Cr 4,159,920 a year, which means that my characters corporation still nets him Cr 1,090,080 a year

    Post edited by marshalljames1 on
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