Fanclub Permissions to let non-players see spoilers


Hi, I'm wondering if in future it might be possible to give DMs the ability to assign fans of their campaign to a 'fanclub' group that can be used to set permissions to fans only?

This way DMs could have a way to share secrets with fans of their campaign while keeping the information hidden from the players.

So for example I'd love to share my setting information with other DMs to use in their campaigns, but currently the only permissions are GM, Player or Public. So there's no way to do so without giving spoilers to my players who haven't yet signed up to Obsidian.

You could even make the fanclub a subscription 'perk' with a 'Behind the Screen' section only visible to GMs and the Fanclub :)

DM of The Domains of Dread Council Meeting (...a Comedic Misadventure though the mists of a re-imagined Ravenloft! ) - COTM Feb 2023! 


  • Vanillabean
    Posts: 87

    Hey @Elmuggs

    That's a super interesting idea! You could potentially make a second 'fanclub' campaign- but I see how having this as a feature could be useful and fun. I'll be sure to share it with our team! 

    Obsidian Portal Dungeon Manager || [email protected] 

  • ElMuggs
    Posts: 61

    Thanks! I could see it working really well if the devs change the current 'Become a Fan' option to have two buttons, one for 'Become a Fan' and the other: 'Join Campaign'  - as per my previous request.

    Then the DM can review/approve the requests - with the first group being 'players' and the second 'fans'.

    Then things like the Forums will be a lot more useful if fans are able to discuss the campaign with the players/GM's and each other.

    DM of The Domains of Dread Council Meeting (...a Comedic Misadventure though the mists of a re-imagined Ravenloft! ) - COTM Feb 2023! 

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