A small list of ideas.

edited November 2009 in Feature Requests


  • Tempest
    Posts: 25
    --> Genre Box in the Campaign Settings. Choices such as: "Fantasy, Modern, Futuristic, Post-Apocalyptic, Steampunk, Dark Fantasy, Modern Fantasy" would allow another quick means of knowing what a game is before reading on. Being able to list: "Vampire: The Masquerade" "Victorian" would tell a player, they are using V:TM rules and running a Victorian Era game. Change Victorian to "Alternate History" tells a player that the standard timeline of V:TM doesn't apply, those who are hard core rules junkies then know to look on, while the others can read on more indepthly to see what the GM has cooked up. This will save some GMs from getting nailed for "Rules Violations" as some folks tend to do.

    --> Another idea: On each page have a check box by each section of the page as to Public, Private, and GM Only - Thus material that private campaigns do want to share, can without revealing everything, and things that the GM wants to pre-write can with but a check mark be converted to private or public while still keeping the GM notes hidden. I know this would be adjusted by people who do and don't pay for the site, but would allow some extra control to writers and save time along the way.

    --> Customizeable Dates in the date aspect of the Adventure Log would allow folks from the game to enter entries from in game dates ( such as Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader's style dates which are written very differently from today).I would say leave the current system in, expand years to cover more then 2004 to 2014, and allow a blank spot at the top of each column where one could fill in the date on their own for outlandish dates. If that is a bit rough, then maybe a drop box that allows format to be chosen according to system, real time of real life, or even both. That sounds a bit confused, I'd be happy to make more clear if anyone is interested.

    --> Characters being able to [[ ]] to wiki pages, so that say Race, or Class, or even other data such as important dates could be directly looked at.

    --> Forums having the ability to let the player post as their character in terms of "Posted By" would allow in character interaction on the website without detracting from the RP feel of things.

    --> Player submitted Wiki Pages - The Player does a "Add Page" and writes and links up the page, then rather then go straight into the wiki, taking power away from the GM, it comes up in a side bar box as a set of green or some other color. The GM can then read over it, edit as needed, and confirm it, to add to the Wiki. This would allow the GM to let a player do a page on something he doesn't have time to cover, but the group would like to have, and allow the players feel like they have added to the over all whole without stepping on the GMs feet.

    --> Player Suggestive changes. A Box that pops up for the GM showing that a player mentioned something on a page, say a date is wrong, or a description doesn't match with in game work, or something of that sort, allows the player to make a note quietly, the GM can notice and deal with it quietly, and the wiki can be more accurate to the work done by GM and Group. Again, this is something the GM can Veto out. But also allows for errors to be corrected without drama.

    Well that is all I can think of for a bit, these are just a few things tossed for thoughts.

    Later all
  • youmakeme
    Posts: 3
    I can't agree more with everything said in this post.

    "—> Characters being able to [[ ]] to wiki pages, so that say Race, or Class, or even other data such as important dates could be directly looked at."

    I would also add NPCs to that suggestion. In this moment i use direct links but i think that using the [[ ]] and a quickbar (like the one that is in the wiki right now) to NPCs, characters and items could be great.

    "—> Forums having the ability to let the player post as their character in terms of “Posted By” would allow in character interaction on the website without detracting from the RP feel of things."

    That would be cool but if the GM can post as anything he wants (NPCs only is ok but i prefer more freedom) it would be just amazing.
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    It's great suggestions like these that help make Obsidian Portal what it is. Thank you so much for sharing your small list with us Tempest! We're currently a small team, but our size makes us more agile and deft of foot. I can't promise you'll see these changes soon, but rest assured we're constantly working to improve the Obsidian Portal experience!

    Good Gaming,

    P.S. Keep those suggestions coming!
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