A few minutes ago I created A 1st edition Dnd character and he's the ultimate in dumb muscle


A few minutes ago I made A 1st edition Dnd Character and I've ended up with the ultimate in dumb muscle. Your thoughts

His initial Strength, Constitution and Dexterity all had the maximum value of 18

His initial Intelligence and Wisdom both had the minimum value of 3

His Charisma is well below average at 7

For his initial number of Health Points the roll was 1D10+3 which ended up as 12 out of a possible 13 and although that doesn't sound like loads it is loads


  • vadercomplex
    Posts: 93

    I love him, what's the race and class? 

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  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235

    Human. Fighter

    You have to admit that he really is the ultimate in dumb muscle

  • Abersade
    Posts: 436

    Ooof, INT and WIS at 3... that's gonna be a rough time. Too dumb to reliably tell friends from enemies in the midst of combat and too dumb to take any advantage of positioning AND doesn't know when not to stand in the fire. On top of that he's barely likable with a 7 in Charisma.

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  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235

    I've rolled his gold for those editions that use it. Only 90 Gold Coins. So Chainmail Armour is technically affordable but the cost is too high, but since depending on the edition his Dexterity of 18 gives him either +3 or +4 to his Armour Class I'll go for the far cheaper Leather Armour, which when combined with the +3 or +4, depending on edition, to his armour class from his Dexterity of 18 still gives him a very good armour class

  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235 edited April 26
    I've just finished the character, including generating his backstory and initial belongings and I've come up ways to use his backstory to justify his stats and initial belongings. Your thoughs

    His initial Strength, Constitution and Dexterity all had the maximum value of 18

    His initial Intelligence and Wisdom both had the minimum value of 3

    His Charisma is well below average at 7

    For his initial number of Health Points the roll was 1D10+3 which ended up as 12 out of a possible 13 and although that doesn't sound like loads it is loads

    My roll for his background shows that he was born a slave and both sides of the family where slaves for roughly 38 centuries and he was freed when his homeland abolished slavery roughly 11 weeks ago

    I can use that to explain his stats

    He's the finished product of a 31 century long breeding plan to breed the ultimate slave, 1 with superhuman Strength, Constitution, Endurance, Toughness, Stamina, Dexterity, Speed and Agility, that has well below average charisma and both his intelligence and wisdom are only just high enough for him to count as sentient

    I've rolled his gold for those editions that use it. Only 90 Gold Coins

    That's explained by him losing most of his lives saving to conmen that exploited the fact that he's barely sentient

    But once word got out about what happens to the conmen if he catch's them they decided to stop targeting him because the benefits of conning him out of 150 to 200 Gold Coins weren't worth what would happen to them if he caught them

    Or at least that’s what he wants conmen to think, in truth the conmen get a quick and painless and he only makes it look like they were tortured for 4 weeks and were begging for death for 3 weeks before he put them out their misery

    So Chainmail Armour is technically affordable but the cost is too high, but since depending on the edition his Dexterity of 18 gives him either +3 or +4 to his Armour Class I'll go for the far cheaper Leather Armour

    When combined with the +3 or +4, depending on edition, to his armour class from his Dexterity of 18 still gives him a very good armour class

    Even though I can't afford the cost of Chainmail his Dexterity of 18 means that in most editions of Dnd he's got a better armour class when using Leather Armour and Shield that a normal Fighter would have with Chainmail Armour and Shield

    For example in 1st edition Advanced Dnd his combination of +4 Dexterity Modifier, Leather Armour and Shield would give him A Armour Class of 10 -4 -2 -1 or 3, which in 1st edition is A good thing, while a normal Fighter with have A +0 Dexterity Modifier, Chainmail Armour and Shield would have A Armour Class of 10 -0 -5 -1 or 4, which in 1st edition is A good thing

    To put it another way unlike most Fighters who use Armour to stop hits he uses his almost superhuman agility to prevent blows landing whilst wearing a suit of leather armour as a precautions

    His initial belongings and how their justified

    Leather armour and small shield. 15 Gold Coins

    Justified as because of his limited funds he decided to reply on speed and agility rather then armour to not take damage

    Regular Sword and Dagger. 27 Gold Coins

    Justified as their weapons that are basic yet useful that can be used with no training

    50 foot of hemp rope. 1 Gold Coin

    Justified as because as a former slave he will have often been tied up with rope and he knows that restraining prisoners with ropes are better then restraining them with then manacles. Here’s 3 reasons why

    Ropes can be cut and Manacles can have their lock picked and its easier to acquire and conceal a lockpick then it is to acquire and conceal a knife, in fact a good enough thief wouldn't even need lockpicks, they could pick a look with a bent knife or a sharp hairpin

    Ropes are safer because due to the strong metal bands that link the cuffs on manacles if you can get the drop on your captor you could choke him or her to death with the strong metal bands that link the cuffs on manacles

    Ropes are discreet and less likely to draw attention due to them having uses other then restraining prisoners, for example climbing, some types of sporting event and most types of construction, but manacles are only used for restraining prisoners

    2 weeks worth of preserved food and bottled water. 30 Gold Coins

    Justified as being because as a former slave he never had enough to eat or drink

    Flint, tinder and 20 Torch’s. 2 Gold Coins and 2 Silver Coins

    Justified as being because as a former slave he knows the value of being able to see where your going

    1 Bedroll. 2 Silver Coins

    Justified as being because as a former slave he knows the value of having something warm and comfortable to wrap himself up in as he slept, something he rarely had as a slave

    1 backpack and 1 large sack. 2 Gold Coins and 15 Copper Coins

    Money he starts with

    2 Gold Coins, 5 Silver Coins and 5 Copper Coins

    Justified as being because as a former slave he knows the value of having a small bit of cash for minor incidental expenses

    More info on his background

    Fearing slaves as physically powerful as the 1's the breeding program where creating could lead a rebellion they took measures

    These meant involved making sure the program ensured the resulting program ensured the produce they created would all have well below average charisma

    It would also ensure they would all have both a level of intelligence and a level of wisdom only just high enough for them to count as sentient

    This ensured the resulting produce wouldn't have the intelligence, wisdom or charisma needed to lead a slave rebellion

    Here's how things like Endurance, Toughness, Stamina, Speed and Agility aren't in Dnd but they are desirable traits for a slave and are represented by things that are in Dnd

    Toughness and Endurance aren't in Dnd but they are represented by his Constitution stat which is in Dnd

    Stamina isn't in Dnd but it s partially represented by his Strength stat and partially represented by his Constitution stat both of which are in Dnd

    Speed and Agility aren't in Dnd but they are represented by his Dexterity stat which is in Dnd
    Post edited by marshalljames1 on
  • LightShadow2009
    Posts: 2
    i love the character, bro. i once scuffed a character that was butefully build, but literally had 3s in every score. sad face.
  • ragnarhawk
    Posts: 170 edited June 24

    Seems to me like Blaster from the Master Blaster combo in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome:

    Master Blaster | The Mad Max Wiki | Fandom


    I think that he needs someone to be Master to his Blaster

    Post edited by ragnarhawk on
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