Dustlands looking for players (post-apocalyptic GURPS played online with OpenRPG and Skype)

edited November 2007 in General Discussion


  • Rob_Ot
    Posts: 2
    "Dustlands" is a GURPS campaign taking place in a harsh, post-apocalyptic America. While there are certain science fiction elements in this setting, the emphasis is on the struggle to survive and prosper in a dangerous and inhospitable world. Interaction between PCs and NPCs plays a key role in this campaign as well, since true loners tend to lead very short lifespans in this Post-Apocalyptic world.

    The campaign will be played online using OpenRPG and Skype, which are both freeware. Our currently scheduled meeting time is 7pm (pacific time) on Thursday evenings.

    We are an older group, most of us in our thirties, but are open to anyone over the age of eighteen.

    For more information on the campaign, the setting, and how to join up please visit "the Campaign page.":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/dustlands

    - rob
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