Lack of Order in Campaign List

edited November 2009 in Campaign Submissions


  • onsilius
    Posts: 50
    If you go to the Campaigns list, the Featured Campaign is at the top. If it's a good campaign and makes good use of the site, that's a great advertisement for Obsidian Portal and makes for an interesting showcase for fellow users.

    What comes after that featured campaign makes Obsidian Portal look terrible. There are sites that have been created and never edited, sites that are so bad they have 32 1-star votes, and dead sites that haven't been touched in months.

    The best sites need to be up at the top. When I click on Campaigns, I want to see campaigns using the site in innovative ways that I can adopt to make my own better. I'd like to see the site do well so its features can improve and expand, and so I can benefit. The voting system, player activity, and site activity should influence this list to accomplish that.


    Dm of Minrothad
  • Invictus
    Posts: 54
    Ya, i've noticed this too. it appears to be alphabetical after the first 9 or something, maybe order of them being established, and i don't know how..shiny..of a move that is. a sort feature at the least would be neat.
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    You know... that's a great point Onsilius,

    I'll have to bring that up with the devs!

    Good Gaming,
  • super_rats
    Posts: 24
    Oh most definitely. I like to browse campaigns and the campaign list isn't helpful at all. Having a way to sort by recent update would be helpful, stuff like rating is fine too, but it's more interesting to find active campaigns.
  • acidargyle
    Posts: 5
    I was thinking the same thing last night while searching for campaigns. It would be nice to sort by most recently updated for sure.
  • onsilius
    Posts: 50
    Any update on this? Out of all the possible ways to make Obsidian Portal look better, this is the most obvious and apparent to anyone visiting the site. The first thing people see is the featured campaign followed by a list of some of the worst examples of site usage. I know when I came here a year ago, the first thing on my mind was, "What can I do with this site?" which I investigated by looking at the first ones listed under Campaigns. Things looked so bad that I didn't bother with Obsidian Portal again until just a couple months ago. Now that I'm an active site DM I'm even more interested in what other innovative sites look like, and it's impossible to find one using the Campaigns section.
  • onsilius
    Posts: 50
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    Ok so,

    We're currently in the process of kicking out some changes to the way NPCs and Characters are created and managed. When the devs are done with that, we'll re-evaluate where we are on the list, and I will let them know that this is a frequent question on the forums. I can't say when the change will go into effect, but I can say soon-ish.

    Good Gaming,
  • onsilius
    Posts: 50
    Great, thanks for the update!
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Awesome. I was just about to lend my voice to this request.
  • Falchen
    Posts: 20
    I am not sure if it would be possible, but could the campaigns shown be active ones, I.e. only ones that have been updated in a certain period of time. This could allow for a lot of active campaigns to be seen as people post and update and then the dead ones that have not been touched in 6 months won't detract from the site's appearance.

    Just a thought,
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    I'd suggest (If it's at all possible), simply selecting a 'sort-by' property in the campaign list where you can tick off 'Updated in the last 3 months', 'One-Star', and so on...
  • StrangeLittleBoy
    Posts: 5
    I agree with Morrin, I would like to see both the highest rated and most recently updated sites. A sorting measure would be nice.
  • Bahne
    Posts: 11
    a more condensed list of campaign instead of the huge space each campaign takes up now...
    i'd suggest a table layout with several sorting filters, a wee bit smaller font.

    suggested filters

    -recent activity
    -# fans
    -looking for players
    -obsidian favorite
    -obsidian featured (this could include all previous featured too, flagged so you can see which has been on that prestigeous step)
    -campaign name
    -created date

    a mix of filter layers could be sweet too... like you would sort a big excel sheet with several layers of data sorting
  • Triarchic
    Posts: 2
    Seriously, this is the most glaring issue with this site. It astounds me that a campaign that has not been active for over 9 months gets listed before a campaign that has been updated yesterday. All the suggestions in this thread are a MUST!
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