Character Sheet

edited July 2007 in Feature Requests


  • deadshot
    Posts: 16
    I would love to have a fully stated d20 character sheet or even a basic party data sheet that would standardize the AC, HP, Saves, Skills, etc so that all the characters would be uniform. I struggle with this aspect of book-keeping and even if a full character sheet isn't possible, the most used information would be great in some standardized form
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    We've wrestled with this idea from the start. We want to provide this sort of information as well. However, we're trying not to assume too much about the game system in use. Obsidian Portal focuses more on the storytelling and campaign building aspects, rather than the rules. Also, there are very many automated character generation tools out there, and we don't want to build yet another character sheet maker.

    One approach we're looking at is to allow for a file to be uploaded and saved with the character. This could be a PDF, excel spreadsheet, image, or text file. This way, you could use your favorite character editor to create the file, then save it with your Obsidian Portal character.

    Until then, I suggest you play around with the "textile formatting": to find a look that you like. Using a little formating can really help organize the look of a particular character.

    Thanks for the idea!
  • dahlillama
    Posts: 20
    The textile formatting is a great idea.

    Maybe something that could be done is just a generic form that has formatting for attributes, skills, and stuff like that but doesn't actually force names on the various things. Just something of a formatting guideline that can be used with various games and provides for a consistent look for the various character sheet types.
  • deadshot
    Posts: 16
    Another idea is that people could create the character sheets using textile and perhaps store them in the forum under a special thread Character Sheets. Then if someone wants a D&D character they can go look at the ones done by site users and pick one to pull their information into and post to their campaign. Want a GURPS one? Maybe someone has done one already and is willing to share. Helps new users get their stuff into the system faster and brings more people into the forum community as well.

    Reason I thought of this is that my first player, Kanis, is going to share his D&D formatting for our Runic Street Boys campaign with the other players to save us some time.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Hmm, that's a really good idea with the canned formats. The only problem is that the forum also uses Textile, meaning it will be tough to get it to where someone could cut and paste. I don't think there's a way to say that a section should be left unformatted. I'll have to look into it.

    Perhaps I could store the Textile templates in the database somehow and then provide them when someone creates a character. It's not something I can do right now, but it's an idea. For now, perhaps I can just put it into a page and list it under the tutorials or something.

    BTW: "Khron's character sheet": looks really great. Take a look to see what's possible with Textile.
  • deadshot
    Posts: 16
    Is there any way to store txt files? If the forum could host those which would be small that would leave the format untouched but when pasted into the wiki would activate the textile formatting.
  • Pure
    Posts: 6
    Textile supports code blocks. If I understand you correctly, you want unformatted forum text

    *like this?*

    At least, according to the "textile reference": on putting code in pre and code tags. I'm no expert on formatting, but that should do the trick.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Yeah, you're right. I disabled HTML in most places, but it's still active in the forums. So, you should be able to put things inside of code blocks:

    *no Textile formatting here*
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