Updates to tagging

edited November 2008 in General Archive


  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    This is the place to voice your thoughts on the recent updates to tagging. Like it? Hate it? We'd like to know...

    Also, Ryan and I are very busy in real life these days, so hopefully that will explain our absence from the forums. We're making sure that everything is still running, and constantly looking for things to improve, but we don't have as much time to chat.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Note: We're seeing some error reports coming in. If you have any problems with updating or creating new wiki pages, please let us know. We think it might be solved, but we're still trying to troubleshoot it.
  • Urm
    Posts: 9
    I think it's great. I like how the information is consolidated.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I have a few tags in place right now and so far nothing weird or annoying. I wasn't really in a position to have an opinion on the old method, so I can't really compare. But rest assured I'll pipe up if I run into problems. =)
  • Genesplicer
    Posts: 8 edited January 2010
    Hey, I was just noticing something on the Characters Tab with the tagging under the new system. In the new system, PC's are created under the Characters Tab, and then hidden from view there when the PC box is checked. However, their tags still register there, so when one does a sort by tags, characters appear to be missing. In campaigns with a lot of NPC's to sift through, this can be very frustrating when trying to manage them as it is not readily apparent that the "missing" characters are PC's and have been moved to the home page sidebar.

    For example, I was trying to sort through listings of NPC minions in one of the campaigns I'm in a little while ago and to try to sort out for my notes which minions went with which NPC boss or PC patron. As it happens, one of the PC's was associated with one of these patrons and had the appropriate tag. I spent five minutes trying to figure out which character I was missing and why Obsidian Portal was glitching. It was very frustrating. Can ya'll do something to simplify this? My suggestion would be either to make the PC's visible in the Characters Tab, or to hide their tags under the Characters Tab as well.
    Post edited by Genesplicer on
  • SabreCat
    Posts: 3
    I'd vote for the "make PCs visible in the Characters tab" option. I actually sent in a support request thinking there was something wrong when my PCs didn't appear there after the update ^.^;
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