How do I get rid of the annoying 'tutorial' popups?

edited February 2010 in General Archive
I checked my profile, didn't see a way to turn them off. I really want them off, permanently. Closing them just makes them come back as soon as I return to that page. Please don't Google-buzz us.


  • FiendishLineage
    Posts: 2
    sorry Drascus, i cant help you, I'm just here to emphasize the severity of this issue!
  • Planeswalker
    Posts: 3
    I also haven't been able to find a way to disable these but would very much so appreciate the ability to. I do appreciate their value to someone new to the site, but having them pop up ever time you visit a page is obnoxious.
  • Karelzarath
    Posts: 13
    I agree. This new "feature" is incredibly annoying. There has to be a way to turn it off forever.
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50 edited February 2010
    It is not supposed to come back after you close each video the first time; the fact that it does for some people is a bug, not a feature.

    I have a question for all of you: are you using the "third-party login"? They changed that from the previous Open ID system, and I'm curious as to whether that may be the common thread here.

    If you're interested in following the actual report I made about this, "go here":
    Post edited by Dethstryke on
  • sozin
    Posts: 20 edited February 2010
    Icky bug! I'm not using openID or any such thing -- using my OP login id
    Post edited by sozin on
  • Planeswalker
    Posts: 3
    This seems to be working properly (as in it only appears once and ceases to appear after they close it once) for the players in my campaign, but they continue to pop up for me. Anyone else experiencing something like this?
  • Drascus
    Posts: 2 edited February 2010
    Yeah, it pops up for me every time. Honestly, even if it wasn't bugged, putting it on every SINGLE wiki page is massive overkill. Very annoying.

    But for those of us with it bugged, it makes the site a serious pain to use. This is the kind of thing that would convince a person to not renew their subscription.

    Edit: I see one problem, the bug exists for Google Chrome, doesn't happen on Firefox. I'm not switching browsers just for Obsidian Portal though.
    Post edited by Drascus on
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50 edited February 2010
    This should now be fixed, everyone. Please reply "IN THIS SUPPORT TICKET (LINK)": and NOT here if you continue to have this issue with any browser.

    Post edited by Dethstryke on
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