Places (Entry Section)

edited February 2010 in Feature Requests
If this has already been requested, please ignore. I looked through the forums and didn't see it listed.

I would like a feature that allows entry of specific places on a tabbed entry. I wanted this functionality to work much like the characters tab and entry methods. It would be great to enter in specific places such as Inns, Temples, Cities, etc. and then assosicate them to characters, etc.



  • Brian_L
    Posts: 1 edited February 2010
    I would totally second that.

    I'm pretty new here (found the site a week ago), but what I'm planning on doing is to make a wiki page called "places" where I can list off places and their associations. It would be awesome if there were a way to have a Places tab that would automatically update, though. If you did, you would want to be able to keep track of which places are within which other places, so that it could indent the list for easy viewing. Something like:

    Country Name
    - City Name
    - - Inn
    - - Blacksmith
    - Other City
    - - Other random stuff

    Perhaps you could have other links associated with that place in brackets after the name, so that you could have a link straight to the tavernkeeper's page in brackets after the name of the tavern.
    Post edited by Brian_L on
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50
    I do this now with Tags in my campaign ("description of those tags are here":, if you're interested). Just load up the relevant ones on each page as appropriate, and that way I can sort by those details.

    If boolean tag searches were available, it would give you what you are asking for, essentially. Then you could make a search for "Places" + "PCName" and get a list with both of those tags. :)
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