Image archive is shared?

edited February 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
I have two accounts, one as the GM for my campaign, and another as a player. I created the other one just to be able to check the "player's point of view" once in a while, and to be able to test how the site works too.

But today I tried something that left me thinking. With my GM account I obviously added some information that's just for me, so I used the GM Only as I'm supposed to. But I also wanted to leave everything in there prepared so that when the information becomes available for the players, I could just copy-paste it from one section to the other. I also uploaded some images that I used in the GM Only box too since they belong to the information there.

Here's where I find something funny, because when I log in with my other account (my "player" account), if I want to edit a wiki page, I have access to ALL the images I uploaded with my GM account!!! I mean... is it supposed to be like this? or am I missing something?


  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50 edited February 2010
    The images are linked to the individual campaigns. The GM and Players (i.e. anyone with editing access) have access to the library for each campaign, to facilitate those particular people adding and editing together.

    I think it's one of those things that since many people have different ways they use the site, and not all of them were originally ever considered, there are a few holes that become somewhat visible like this. I recommend telling them there are spoilers to be had and building trust with your players to not ruin the surprise by looking at the images. I can see, easily, how that would make updating pages otherwise a mine-field though. The other viable solution, which is not elegant and hopefully will not be the answer for long, is to just make a note of the picture you will eventually want there to add to the library when it goes live. :/

    A third option is to host your own images that you want to keep secret from another server. If you have some host space from your internet service provider, that can usually work and will be already paid for as part of your service cost.
    Post edited by Dethstryke on
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Thanks dethstryke for the answer (you are everywhere man!! hahaha)... I guess you're right, it's not that there is a problem with how the images are handled, it's just the way I'm using it probably.
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50
    No problem. My being everywhere is all smoke and mirrors, I assure you. ;)

    I think you have a valid use and it wouldn't be a bad idea to have that ability to hide the pictures. Just not how it works right now. Still, a lot better than having no storage, which is what they started with.
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