Add Video Youtube and/or Vimeo Video Embedding

edited January 2010 in Feature Requests
I was wondering, if it is at all possible, if videos could be embedded into our forums, wikis, and adventure logs in the future? There's a couple of reason why that would be nice. 1) I could jump on the webcam and tell everyone in my group the story so far to be posted in the adventure log. 2) We could have discussion about the game or D&D via video posts instead of simply text. 3) We can share videos we find about our hobby with everyone else. For instance, on you just have to put the address of the video between [code] [youtubevideo] [/youtubevideo][/code], if it's widescreen then [code][youtubevideowidescreen] [youtubewidescreen][/code]
For posting a vimeo video, just put the link between [code] [vimeo] [/vimeo][/code] . It would just be really nice.


  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    While I personally don't see much use for it, I think it aught to be relatively simple to implement.
  • teknohippy
    Posts: 1 edited January 2010
    I'd like to be able to embed some stuff as well.

    An iframe would be handy to have.

    I'd also like to embed my own maps, either from google/bing or using my own flash.

    Google widgets would be handy as well.
    Post edited by teknohippy on
  • TPiddy
    Posts: 2
    I would use this too. I just made a promo trailer for my campaign and loaded it up on YouTube. It would be great to be able to embed it in the home page rather than having to link to it.
  • celestialkin
    Posts: 5
    I would also love to do this, as I use Fractal Mapper to map my worlds.

    I saw that the featured campaign of last month did it. Anyone know which campaign that was to ask the guy how he did it?!
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