Help with ChainsawXIV's WotC Style Table Template

edited March 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm trying to use ChainsawXIV's table template for a couple of weapon tables, but I have a problem.

Here's what I have so far: "Link":

And this is what happens when I try to add the second table: "Link":

Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?

Here's the code: "Code": (I had to upload it to a host because if I posted it as "Text" all the code ended up being displayed together, without spaces between the different parts)


  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50
    Your campaign is private, so your page links do not work. However, the code looks like you're having issue making footnotes after the name of the weapons which is making all the text the same size as the footnote number.

    Footnotes in textile are made with single brackets around the 1, like [1] not ^1^, with a corrisponding footnote code wherever on the page you want it using:

    fn1. Footnote text goes here

    HOWEVER! :)

    the single bracket footnote doesn't seem to play nice with the double bracket slug. :/ When I remove the double brackets around the weapon name, the footnote works again.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Yeah, textile footnotes are really picky about being placed only next to alphanumeric characters. This workaround should suffice though...

    [[slug here]]1

    fn1. footnote down here
  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited March 2010
    You're right guys, that was the problem. At first I tried using the [1] but it didn't work by itself beacuse of the double brackets.

    Grunn's code worked, and that's exactly what I needed.... thank god I posted the problem here, I don't think I would have been able to figure it out by myself.

    Once again: thanks to both of you guys!

    BTW: I think one of the links had the "Entire GM Only" option on, but could any of you guys try accesing them now? I just want to check if it works fine now, 'cause the hole campaign have been set as "Public" for a while now.

    *_Edit_*: Ok, so here's the final version of what I wanted to do, check it out if you have the time. "Link":
    (I deleted the test page so don't bother trying to go there).
    Post edited by sandman on
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Nice Sandman! I'm glad these guys were able to help you out (I was out of town at a conference all week, or I'd have chimed in sooner). I'm glad to see someone getting use out of that particular template. I know it's one of the more annoyingly complicated options on the list.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Hahaha, you are right, it is one of the most complicated templates you have, and it's the first one I tried to use, haha. I guess that's why I had such a hard time trying to fit everything in there.

    BTW: it took me a while to get the width of all the columns and rows to fit the width of the wiki page without having to use double rows for one weapon. Would you like me to send you the code so that you can add it to your template page? just to make it easier for other people who may want to use it. Let me know and thanks for replying to this thread.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Thanks Sandman. I added a link to the weapons table code to my template page.

    For what it's worth, the content area in the wiki is 730px wide, and the table template uses a little bit of space for visual reasons. Thus, the columns in the table should add up to no more than 720px total width to avoid line wrapping.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited March 2010
    Don't use the code I posted at the begining of this thread, because I was still trying to get it right.

    Here's the code I ended up using, it has some minor changes: "Weapons Code Final": and here's how it looks if anyone wants to check it out: "Armas": (feel free to add a link to that page in your templates page if you want).

    BTW: thanks for giving me the credit, even though it's your template. xD
    Post edited by sandman on
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Updated the code file (copied it to my host, just so folks wouldn't have to click through the multiple steps at Mediafire), and added a link to your wiki page where it's used. Thanks again!
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