
edited April 2010 in Player Lounge
Hi, I just randomly discovered this site in a desperate attempt to find gamers near me (as I have recently moved). Loe and behold I find the most spectacularly useful site!

My name is jacqueline, I'm 26 years old and I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons since early 2003, I occasionally ran a game where I was living (depending on players) but have mainly been a player. Was mostly involved with 3.5 but have experience in playing 2nd ed (yes I understand the term THACO) and have also been involved in Werewolf, Vampire and other LARP through Camarilla Australia.

Look forward to getting to know you!


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Welcome to the Portal Jemmasmum! I don't know if you have checked out the "Map" tab on the Obsidian Portal Homepage yet or not, but you can view all the Obsidian Portal campaigns that are happening in your area. Also, there is a feature that allows you to select only those campaigns that are looking for players. Happy hunting!


  • wsocrates
    Posts: 18
    Welcome. We are all here to help as well. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome jacqueline, I'm glad you found this site, you'll see it's worth it.

    If you have any question or problems, just ask in the forums, it's full of people willing to help.
  • jemmasmum
    Posts: 33
    thanks everyone,

    I have seen the map part of the site and saw that there are two flag things where people are looking for players near me but i dont know how to do anything with it yet? havent figured it all out yet :)
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    If you let your cursor hover over the "flag things" pretty soon a balloon will open up that has a link to that campaign site. Follow the link, and then look to the top right side of the campaign site. Right under the DM's name there should be a button called "Want to Join?" At that point it's all up to you.
  • jemmasmum
    Posts: 33
    Thank you! :)
  • munkybut
    Posts: 16
    Welcome welcome! Love the late-bloomers like myself (didn't start playing until I was in my 20s). Also good to see a female DM out there.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Welcome, I'm a noob myself and this community is awesome as they can be.
  • jemmasmum
    Posts: 33
    Lol thanks munkybut, wouldnt you know it, I started playing d and d when i went to uni :) and love it, I know a couple of female DM'ers.

    @ jim, thanks, it definately is awesome! :D

    On another note Im thinking of setting up a campaign where characters are teens... and actually start of as level 0, still in the thought processes but what does everyone/anyone think?
  • munkybut
    Posts: 16
    I think it's great. I personally love Call of Cthulhu because of how low-powered it is. Playing teens could be really good for roleplay. I recommend trying something like WoD Innocents; I bought the book a while ago and have been dying to play it. Though, it is about kids, but I suppose if your doing like 13 year olds, it will work.
  • jemmasmum
    Posts: 33
    was thinking 14-17 year olds I was thinking that how the individuals dealt with situations would give them points (with types of actions going towards class.
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