Co-GM can see GM-Only NPCs, but cant edit them

edited April 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
In my campaign i invited a friend to help as co-GM, the point was to allow him to edit background information on the NPCs that the players dont know about yet.
I promoted him to Co-GM, and now he can see the GM stuff, and the GM NPCs, but he cant look at them or edit them, it says he is not Authorized.


  • George_R_Gitari_III
    Posts: 5
    I am having the same problem in the campaign I coGM. Should this be posted to the "help" forum?
  • George_R_Gitari_III
    Posts: 5
    I posted this to the Help Forum and Micah fised the issue within 48 hours, At least it is now working for the two campaings I coGM.

    If you are still having trouble, I'd try the Help forum.
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