Introduction & Critique My Site

edited April 2010 in Player Lounge
So, my campaign has been going for a couple months now, and I decided to buckle down and make a site for my campaign. This is the first game I've run under 4th Edition rules, and so far I'm really enjoying some aspects of it (4e definitely has it's positives and negatives).

My group has two experienced roleplayers, one who's RP'd before but never heavily, and two absolute noobs (unless you count WoW as RPing). The only book most of them has read is the 4th Edition PHB, so I've incorporated the Points of Light world into my own. In fact, I like the idea of Points of Light and have been wanted to do something similar since before 4th Edition ever came out, so I took PoL, gutted what little there was of it, and hung it's skin over my own world. So while I have a Bael Turath and a Nerath, I have fully fleshed out stories of their rise and fall that bear no real resemblance to D&D. However, most of it lines up well enough with the little that's in the PHB, so it works for us.

My only big deviation is the monotheistic religion that permeates most of the world, which I did because I wanted something monolithic and catholic-themed for my religion. In the three games we've run so far, I have to say it's been a bigger success than I expected. Players never end up memorizing the dozen gods of any given world and how they interact. But a "us vs them" single god? They wrapped their heads around that one pretty quick, and even the non-clerics understand religion and I have a couple religious characters.

So as of last night, I'm done with the start of my wiki (that makes sense, right?) and I sent out links to my players. But it's still very much a work in progress, and I'd love any tips and critiques of my page.

"The World of Crucible":


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey Hardhead, Welcome to the Portal! You might want to post a link to your site so people know how to find it.

  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    You mean other than typing Hardhead into the search on the front page?

    Here's his: "Crucible":
  • Hardhead
    Posts: 65 edited April 2010
    Whoops! I'm retarded. Yeah "Crucible": is it. Added the link to my above post.
    Post edited by Hardhead on
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hardhead, I think you are off to an excellent start with this site. As I commented on your site, you have a knack for writing interesting and believable historical accounts. I found it easy to engage in your world. I am looking forward to watching your site progress.

  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Agreed with Arsheesh. Lots of potential there. And this community is super helpful Hardhead, I'm new myself but there has been a ton of help there for the asking.
  • Hardhead
    Posts: 65
    Thanks for the kind words guys. Arsheesh, I have to say that I was absolutely blown away by your map. I assume that was done in Photoshop? Can you recommend any tutorials?
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome to the community Hardhead.

    BTW: nice map you got there xD
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited April 2010
    Hello again Hardhead, thanks for the kind words. Actually the map was done using a freeware program called GIMP. In creating the map, I made heavy use of a tutorial posted by Ascension (a member of the Cartogropher's Guild). Ascension originally wrote the tutorial for Photoshop but another guild member wrote a translation of the tutorial for GIMP. You can find the tutorial if you follow the link that I left in the comments section of your site, that should take you to the main page of the Cartographers Guild. From there click the forums tab, and scroll down towards the bottom of the page. There will be a sub-forum marked "Tutorials/How To." Within the first or second page of that sub-forum, you will find a thread called "Award Winner: My Atlas Style in PS." That's the main tutorial I used (though I modified it heavily). Like I said, the original tutorial was written for Photoshop, but you'll find the GIMP pdf version written by Gidde on page 15.

    I think that you will have to register with the Guild before you can download files or post messages in the forums, but it's free. You can also download GIMP for free by following "this link": If you do decide to join the guild and to use this tutorial, I recommend introducing yourself (in the member introductions sub-forum) and then starting a "work in progress" thread showing your progress with the tutorial. That's what I did and I got tons of useful help and criticism. If you have any further questions, feel free to holler.

    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Haha, after all this time, I didn't know you could put markers on the maps! Done now, much more useful! Now if only they'd default to the largest zoom and have the map scaled to that zoom to start, it would be perfect...
  • munkybut
    Posts: 16
    lol. I enjoyed your map. I also like your banner. Good work!
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Hahaha, If I didn't know you are a fan of GIMP, I would think that you are getting commission from them Arsheesh, hahahaha.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Yeah, I'm definitely a big advocate of the guild, no doubt there. It's fun to share what you love doing with others.
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