Achievements in DnD

edited May 2010 in General Discussion
So I stumbled upon the idea for achievements in a DnD game and I thought the idea sounded like a lot of fun. I'm working coming up with a list of achievements (I've written a couple and found a couple ideas in various forums) and a successful way of implementing them in my game at the moment, and you can see that work at "": If anyone has any ideas of suggestions for implementing them, or for achievement that would be fun, I'd love some ideas, and if anyone likes this idea and would like to use these in their game, that'd be awesome too. I look forward to hearing some of your ideas.

Edit: Here's where I saw some ideas "": and "this": campaign was the first place I saw the idea (much different implementation, but similar concept).


  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Great idea!
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740 edited May 2010
    I've updated the list of achievements, there are now twice as many, but I'd like plenty more, if you guys can think of any good ones, I'd love to hear your ideas.
    Post edited by gaaran on
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    I may have something that could be useful for you Garaan. In my campaign I use _Adventure Points_, basically they are points players get for out-of-game achivements (like coming on time to sessions, or writing a background here on Obsidian Portal).

    My campaign is in spanish, but the list is in english so it shouldn't be a problem: "Adventure Points":

    The way I use them is that the benefits they get can be saved and used whenever they want as a free action (D&D 4E btw). There are 100 benefits, so you'll probably find at least some of them interesting enough for your campaign.

    Hope that helps.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Yeah I am utilizing essentially the same adventure point system as Sandman, though I have called them "prestige points": in my campaign. I wanted to encourage my players to become more actively involved in helping to build our campaign site (e.g. adding character bios and keeping character journals, that sort of thing), so I borrowed the idea of a point based award system from Onsilius. Basically, you accumulate points and then can either "use" them each session (the points are not permanently spent but refresh the next session) to gain some small in-game advantage, or "burn" them (those points are gone baby) to do something even more heroic. At first my players didn't seem to care much about the system. However two sessions ago when in the midst of a gritty battle, they discovered just how useful they can be and have been stepping up their contributions to the site in order to gain access to more points.

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Thanks for the replies guys, I think Arsheesh, that I'm going to combine your method with the one i'm devising. A rechargeable pool of prestige points for out of game contributions, and a list of in game achievements that are only usable during that encounter/session or unique achievements that grant permanent small bonuses. And Sandman, thanks for the link, looking through your names of rewards gives me plenty of ideas for new achievements. I'll post again with the updated system.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Okay, I have totally updated the achievement system. There are milestones which can be gained multiple times, achievements that can only be gained once, and prestige points that are granted based on OOC contributions. "": I think this is going to be how I do the system, but I'm still eager for suggestions.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I'm still bouncing this around in my head. Shadowrun uses a Karma system already, so implementation would be easy and we wouldn't have to keep track of a new 'stat' as it were. I'm trying to think of a reward system that would be fair for all my players, since a couple don't go online much to mess with the wiki (though they read it dutifully on Friday before the game).

    A lot of the uses on there are also already in the Shadowrun game system, so I won't have to come up with much there. But maybe this will encourage the players to get more active in character development and to take more ownership in the story.

    Maybe spending Karma to get a hint from the GM on where to go?

    Divine Inspiration 5 Karma?
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Perhaps a tangible reward would be the incentive the other players need to become more involved in the wiki? That's a good idea about divine inspiration, I might add that to my prestige point benefits that I got from Arsheesh.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Well so far I have 'Item or Weapon Creation' and 'Provide food for entire group" as a starting point.

    Gonna get a few more, maybe talk to my co-GM and the players and see what they think would be good for that.

    "Karma Page":
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    *Arsheesh:* the points I use don't refresh each session. I've seen your prestige points (or Karma points, or Fate points) but I wanted to do something a little bit different, that's why I chose to go with the 100 options list. In my campaign, the players earn points, spend them for a roll on the list, and get the benefit, which they can use whenever they want as a free action (the benefits don't expire, so they can save them for as long as they want, and they can even stack or combine them).

    *Garaan:* the section looks much more organized now. I like that you added secret stuff too. BTW: thanks for the acknowledgment xD
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Hmmm. Sandman, I may well be -robbing you now- getting inspiration for something new to do.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740 edited May 2010
    Jim, i like your use of karma for OOC stuff, simple and effective. shadowrun looks pretty well set up for that.

    Sandman, yeah I think that's my final version until I actually use it and test it out. And yeah, the secret stuff is all the story and plot based achievements. If someone misses a session where the players got it, too bad for them, they miss out. You're welcome for the acknowledgment, I did pull a few names for the achievements off your list after all :).
    Post edited by gaaran on
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Putting links to your profiles up. Once I feel REALLLLLLY ambitious, I may try an acknowledgments page like Arsheesh has. Long time away though for now I just put the links up on the main page. Thanks for all the help and ideas!
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Yup gaaran, Shadowrun is quite easy to reward players with. I mean, we used to do similar stuff with D&D, 100xp for bringing the GM a burger and fries, etc.

    I.. think... that's why I'm fat.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited May 2010
    bq). Putting links to your profiles up. Once I feel REALLLLLLY ambitious, I may try an acknowledgments page like Arsheesh has. Long time away though for now I just put the links up on the main page. Thanks for all the help and ideas!

    I copied/pasted/modified Arsheesh's acknowledgments' page (with his permission). Here's how it turned out in case you want to check it out: "Acknowledgments": (it's one of the few english pages of my site, it's also in "spanish":
    Post edited by sandman on
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Yeah thanks Gaaran for the shout out. You're site just keeps getting better and better each time I visit it.

  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483 edited May 2010
    Gaaran, hope you don't mind, I loved this idea and am gonna use some.


    I'm giddy and can't wait until my players see this.
    Post edited by JimTriche on
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483 edited May 2010
    And here's my take on Sandman's rolled benefit idea, though mine are permanent increases and powerful. As such they're expensive. Our longest running character is 3 years and only has 8 Karma Pool.

    "Exceptional Abilities":

    Lemme know whatchoo think. That includes opinions on the Ability names. Some of them suck.
    Post edited by JimTriche on
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Those look pretty awesome, but they don't all appear to be created equal. for example, on the third table rolling a 3 would suck compared to the rest of them if a character is not magically active. Just something to think about.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Actually, their inequality was a conscious decision on my part, since they're all pretty darned powerful, I wanted a "sub-prime" roll pair on each table, which is usually 3 and 4 on the die.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    ah, okay, well, well done then :).
  • munkybut
    Posts: 16
    These are some fantastic ideas! I really like the acheivement system, but I don't know that I have the record keeping ability to keep track of all of those things. I really like the ideas on the temporary bonuses. Sandman, I especially love your point system. Though I'm not entirely sure how the plethora of points are spent on your list. But the ontime bonus is a brilliant idea...what with everyone always being up to an hour late...

    I have implemented my own system. I may end up reworking it as there is not a plethora of combat in my campaign...
    "House Rules":
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited May 2010
    Nice. Just a small correction though MB, your current explanation of Hero points is missing some terms regarding "contribution" i.e.:

    _"I strongly encourage the (*joint building*) of this site. Any additions made will be rewarded with hero points"._

    Otherwise looks to be a good start.

    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited May 2010
    *Munkybut:* Here's a rough translation of what's in spanish in my adv.points page:

    You can get Adventure Points for helping with the game and the campaign.

    When you accumulate 10 points, you can exchange them for a roll in the d100 list. The points you earn don't expire, but just as action points, they are meant to be spent.

    The benefits you get can be used instantly, or you can save them indefinitely. Unless stated otherwise, benefits can be used as a free action (in and out of an encounter).

    *Ways to get Adventure Points*

    * Write your character's background in Obsidian Portal - 10 pts.
    * Read the PHB (you don't have to read each power, but at least chapters 8 and 9 thoroughly) - 5 pts.

    * Arrive on time to a D&D session, prepared with you character sheet, pen, paper, books, dice, etc. (time flexibility of
    Post edited by sandman on
  • LonePaladin
    Posts: 15
    I think I'm gonna make an achievement system for my Shadowrun campaign. I'll be using the site that makes Steam-style achievements:

    I'll post a link to the relevant list when I've got it made up. I'm figuring on having a lengthy list, with some hidden surprises.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    I've been working on my campaign for the past few months and I actually made a large list of achievements a while back. I have all the files saved in my D&D folder. Achievements really do sound like a fun idea. I plan on implementing them into gameplay to give benefits to the characters.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    (ahem...) years... not months...

    Achievements could be cool. They could also be a needless complication, if mishandled. If you're considering this, I recommend thinking through whether the work will wind up paying dividends in the long run. If you think you can incorporate achievements in a way that actually adds something to the game, instead of merely being a short-lived novelty, then go for it.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I have too many great ideas that seem like short lived novelty, actually. I don't have enough experience in what works/what doesn't to make the educated guesses required, though.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    As the progenitor of this thread, and being one that used my achievements enough in my game for my players to rack up a couple hundred points (between 10-15 achievements each), let me say that it was really cool at first, but then they just sort of became an after thought that we'd just check every couple sessions. Don't get me wrong, my players still liked getting the +1 stat boost every so often from points, but it eventually lost it's luster, and was no longer shiny and new. However, they never became a drag, just an extra bit of record keeping. Just my two cents for those are are thinking of this idea.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I'm glad to see all this discussion. I'm thinking of having a brownie-points system in my campaign, though I'll probably be limiting the rewards to dice re-rolls and roll bonuses, and maybe extra actions.

    Perhaps similarly relevant, the In Vitro campaign is going to be amazingly limited with regard to playable races and classes, but I'm already considering situations under which others could "unlock". For example, I'm nixing Goliaths at the beginning because they're currently shunned by the noble races. If the PCs bring about an alliance, then if a player was really wanting all along to play a Goliath, we'd work that in at the next natural stopping point (not necessarily requiring the old character's death - I'm not going to cheat myself out of a possibly useful NPC! ;) Similarly, if the party successfully conquers the dangers and secrets of Mount Vahlheim, they'll eventually be able to play warforged.

    I mention the above 'cause that's another flavor of achievement, IMO.
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