How do I add images to my Gallery?

edited May 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
I know I have previously inserted and image but cannot find where I need to go to add more.

"I met a traveller from an antique land....."

CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

Inner Council Member


  • gaaran
    Posts: 740 edited May 2010
    I have included a pic of the button to click to add images on your wiki page:

    "Click here":

    Also, you can just surround the URL of the picture with exclamation points.
    Post edited by gaaran on
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,016
    Thanks Gaaran
    I am fine with using url's - I have been using
    However, no luck with images loaded from computer - when I browse the name appears but will not upload.
    I notice there was a third option (from your library) and I have one picture in here already. I was thinking I could load some in to this library from my computer and then use saved images in that way, but I cannot find a way to add more pictures to the library. (I cannot remember how I got the first one in there.)

    Any help appreciated either with advice on uploading from pc or loading images directly into the library to use third option.
    Mark aka twiggyleaf

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Hmm... When I do it, I click the images button, then that first screen that pops up is the upload window, browse to a file you want to upload, then the actual upload button will appear, click that, wait a moment, and then it should automatically switch you to the "from library" tab, and then you just click on the picture you want to use, and the option to add it will come up. If that's not working, then I'm not sure how to do it. Your other option would be to get a free account, as they have 100 mb of space you can use per month, and then just use your old way of including image urls. Hope that'll help you out.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    And be mindful of your upload limits. It's really low if you aren't an ascendant member, though you can upload whatever to photobucket and use the "!(media)" tags to display it. It gets clunky after a while but it works. Most of my wiki is done in this way. I save the upload space for character pictures and maps and so forth.
  • Dalor_Darden
    Posts: 9
    Is there a reason we can't simply use our Library? Every single picture I've tried to add, I get an error message.

    I had decided to pay for an actual membership, and well, I was really wanting this particular feature that isn't working at all for me.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Oh you can definitely use your library, if you're an ascendant member, you'll have plenty of space. However, I don't know what would cause you to get an error message. I haven't had any problem with the upload feature.
  • Dalor_Darden
    Posts: 9
    I am an ascendant member. :-(

    I just don't get what is going wrong.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    It will make it much easier to figure out what the problem is if you can post the exact text of the error message you're receiving, and a description of when exactly in the process it appears (Example: "After I click the submit button."). It may also be helpful to know what browser you're working in.
  • Dalor_Darden
    Posts: 9
    When I use Windows Explorer, it simply says "Error on Page" and that is all I get.

    When I use Firefox it says "HTTP Error" and that is all I get no matter what.

    Both occur after I hit "Upload" from my own computer.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    How odd. You could try "reporting it as a bug": to the OP admins, but I'd also suggest checking the firewall and security settings on your own machine and network. It's possible that you're security is dialed up to eleven for whatever reason, and not letting you upload files at all, but that would be really unusual.
  • Dalor_Darden
    Posts: 9
    I've had a reply from Micah stating simply that they have many things that they are working on, that the upload error I get is not common, yet it hasn't been fixed for me.

    I've really wanted to get into learning more about using the Wiki to design a nice game; but this is hampering me a great deal.
  • Hardhead
    Posts: 65 edited June 2010
    OK, so let's try and diagnose this.

    (1) What is the last thing you click on before you get the error message?

    (2) What web browser are you using? Have you tried using any others?

    (3) What Operating System are you running? (Windows XP, Vista, or 7? Ubuntu? Macintosh?)

    (4) Have you tried doing this from any other computer (ie, another computer in the house)?

    (5) Have you tried doing this from any other location (ie, a library computer, or a friend's computer)?
    Post edited by Hardhead on
  • Dalor_Darden
    Posts: 9
    (1) What is the last thing you click on before you get the error message?

    (2) What web browser are you using? Have you tried using any others?
    -Tried with both Windows Explorer and Firefox

    (3) What Operating System are you running? (Windows XP, Vista, or 7? Ubuntu? Macintosh?)

    (4) Have you tried doing this from any other computer (ie, another computer in the house)?
    -Both my laptop and my desktop

    (5) Have you tried doing this from any other location (ie, a library computer, or a friend
  • Hardhead
    Posts: 65 edited June 2010
    Interesting. The fact that it's happening from two computers implies that it's something with your connection to their server. Hmmmmmm. Do you know how to open ports on your router? That'd be the next thing I would try. If you don't know how, I might be able to give you a hand. The process varies from router to router, though. What's your router's manufacturer and model number?

    *EDIT*: Also, try turning off Vista's built in firewall.
    Post edited by Hardhead on
  • TroyMG
    Posts: 3
    This almost certainly won't be an issue with a firewall or a router, as the upload is simply base-64 encoded for transport across HTTP like any other form post. If you can see the upload screen, you can upload a file.

    My guess: this is an issue with Dalor_Darden's account that is somehow causing the script that accepts the file to fail, perhaps when the script tries to then go and upload the file to OP's CDN (S3?).
  • Dalor_Darden
    Posts: 9
    Well, I got a grand total of three images loaded...and now it is giving me the error again. :-(

    I'm sure I'm not doing anything differently at all.
  • TroyMG
    Posts: 3 edited June 2010
    Honestly there is nothing the people in this thread will be able to do for you. Micah (or Ryan) have to address it.

    Here are some (open) bug tickets that seem to similar to what you are experiencing. Do any of them match your issue? If not, I strongly suggest filing a new ticket - if so, I suggest commenting on that ticket with as much detail about your problem as you can surmise to "bump" it a bit.

    Either way, my suggested next step would be to message Micah and Ryan directly (again). I know you said they mailed you back (and I've seen other bug replies from Micah to the same effect) saying "its high on our TODO list, but we're working on other things, we'll get to it soon." That is a fine and dandy answer to non-ascendants, but in my opinion working on DSTs - which is an awesomely cool feature, no doubt - isn't really an acceptable excuse for not fixing issues that paying members are seeing with advertised features.
    Post edited by TroyMG on
  • Davidb_S
    Posts: 13
    I didn't know where else to put this, but what are the image library constraints? Image sizes, file types, library sizes? Or please point me in the right direction.
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