Intoroducing justinthebig from Brisbane, Australia

edited December 2007 in Player Lounge


  • justinthebig
    Posts: 1
    G'day all,

    I thought I'd do the polite thing and say hi to everyone here on the forums.

    I have been introduced to Obsidian Portal by the Dragons Landing Inn podcast and it looks to be right up my alley. I have been playing D&D for 21 years now and although I have tried a few other games D&D seems to be the only one that rings my bell. Hey, call me shallow but D$D caters to everything I have ever needed from an RPG and I have felt no need to swap to another system. It helps that my gaming group and I all share pretty much the same outlook and although we occasionally have disagreements, we are all out for the same thing and we are all mature and level headed with a strong sense of story and character. We play with a strong level of consistency in our games (as in rules, game world culture, theme etc) which helps to suspend our disbelief and thrust us into the imaginary worlds that we love so much.

    As I am the only computer literate gamer in my group aside from my wife my use of the blogs will be more for the sake of posterity. Hopefully other users will read the blogs and find inspiration and entertainment value as well.

    We play mostly Forgotten Realms but have played in a home brew setting based in the Forgotten Realms (read the blog to fully understand that!). We have dabbled a bit in Eberon and will be soon doing it again now that I recently purchased a bunch more books for the setting. I am looking forward to getting into it!

    I'd love to hear from fellow gamers; chatting, offering and receiving advice, tips and tricks.

    See you out there.

  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Welcome to the site. My boyfriend is a bit like that with D&D, although he enjoys other systems as well. It's a solid formula, I suppose- and it's one of those few game systems with an identity all its own, so that makes it easier to pick up.

    bq. I’d love to hear from fellow gamers; chatting, offering and receiving advice, tips and tricks.

    Stick around, then!
  • TroyAlford
    Posts: 33
    Nice to meet you. :) Glad to have you among us.
  • AidanDark
    Posts: 56
    Howdy :)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi Justin! It's great to hear from an Australian player, mostly 'cause in Living Greyhawk Australia and Texas are part of the same meta-region and I think that's hilarious.
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