Newly joined player from Ottawa

edited July 2010 in Player Lounge
Hey all,

Long time DnD or other RPG player but only recently discovered this place. Currently residing in the nation's capital and I've got quite a bit of free time so if anyone wants another player for their group drop me a line.

Aside from that I'm pretty laid back and don't have much of a preference on race or class as I tend to try them all. That and I'd like to think of myself as a nice guy.



  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey Jobbo_Fett, welcome to the Portal! Just to let you know, the OP forums are a great place to find discussions on role-playing tips and tricks, plot, character building and that sort of thing, but not necessarily the best place to look to join a campaign (there just doesn't seem to be enough regular participants). What I would suggest is actively seeking out OP campaigns that are taking new players in your area. To do this, go to the "Maps' tab of the Obsidian Portal homepage and select the box that says "Looking for new players only". That will bring up a map with all of the designated OP campaigns in your area (assuming that you've uploaded your own address in your profile). Hope that helps.

  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome Jobbo_Fett!

    I agree with Arsheesh, the best place to look for open games is the Maps tab. Here in the forums... not so much.
  • Jobbo_Fett
    Posts: 4
    Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.
  • BrokenClock
    Posts: 51
    I live in Ottawa!

  • Jobbo_Fett
    Posts: 4

    Living near Mooney's Bay at the moment.
  • BrokenClock
    Posts: 51
    I live across from the Carlingwood Mall.
  • Jobbo_Fett
    Posts: 4
    Ah, cool cool.
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