Dynamic Character Sheets for Popular Systems

edited May 2010 in Feature Requests
This is where you apply to create a Dynamic Sheet Templates (DSTs) for D&D 4e, D&D 3.5, or Pathfinder. Read more in "the blog post":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/?p=598


  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    As the other system I actively play besides Exalted, D&D 4th Edition was next on my personal hit list, so I'll take a swing at that if there are no complaints.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Sure, go for it. I'm going to try and dissuade people from doubling up on the more popular systems. I wrote "a blog post":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/?p=598 detailing how I'd like to go about creating DSTs for the more popular systems. I saw that you posted in the other thread, which is good.

    Thanks for taking on the big one!
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Sounds good!

    Also, feel free to make further requests as to features/changes/enhancements. I still consider this a public beta, so we can still change things as necessary.
  • ShadowDrakken
    Posts: 4 edited June 2010
    post removed
    Post edited by ShadowDrakken on
  • Fuhsaz
    Posts: 8
    I am willing to do up a DST for Risus. Do you have a basic template to use?
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Fuhsaz - Sure, Risus sounds good. We don't really have a basic template, other than the devkit. There really is no sense of a basic template, since character sheets from different systems will always be very different. But, we're here if you need help getting things together.
  • Fuhsaz
    Posts: 8
    Can you take a look at my demo sheet to see if it is what you are looking for? Here is a link to my Risus blog where I asked readers there for feedback as well:


  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I don't know anything about Risus, but that's pretty much exactly what I imagined when I first started working on the DST system. Simple, but nicely laid out, and (I assume) makes sense for a user of the system.

    After reading your thoughts on the blog post, one suggestion would be to use a flat text field instead of a checkbox for the die type. I understand the desire to constrain choices to only valid choices for the system, but if you don't like the look of the multiple checkboxes, then just make it a flat field and let someone type in "d6" or "d30" Assuming that's a common feature of Risus, most people will know what to do.

    Overall, it looks sweet! Upload it to the "DST system":http://www.obsidianportal.com/dynamic_sheet_templates and let me know when you're happy with it. I'll make it live for everyone.
  • Fuhsaz
    Posts: 8
    I have it uploaded, but none of the DST stuff seems to be working. Did I do something wrong?
  • Fuhsaz
    Posts: 8
    It looks like it had to do with my not submitting the template before testing it. Once I moved it to Submitted, it worked.
  • Fuhsaz
    Posts: 8
    I submitted an update to my sheet last week that seems to be stuck in resubmitted. Is there something that else that I needed to do?
  • Fluke
    Posts: 16
    Unfortunately, I lack the technical expertise, wherewithal and... ambition to make one but I was wondering (see; hoping) that someone might be making a DST for Mutants & Masterminds? :-D
  • jacobkosh
    Posts: 27
    Fluke, I'm with you. God knows I'm lacking in the skills myself, but I would bake cookies for anyone who could do a DST for M&M.
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    Definitely would love to see Call of Cthulhu. Pathfinder would be great, too.
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50 edited July 2010
    I am going to take a swing at the Mouseguard RPG to warm up - that's a real simple one to start. If that goes well, I would like to apply to take a stab at Pathfinder. Was going to start with Ghostbusters RPG, but evidently that has been removed from the game list at some point and I did not notice. So much for my campaign page of it. :/

    I expected them to go faster than they did, honestly. I'd like to get a Pathfinder sheet going by mid-august for my own game, so it's very self-serving. :)

    If the Pathfinder works out well, I may also try out 3.5 if that is still open by then, as that is a short jump between.
    Post edited by Dethstryke on
  • DmD20
    Posts: 3
    Has anyone applied to do Pathfinder yet? I've not done one before... But I've got some ability with CSS and HTML, and would be willing to take a whack at it...
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    With a little motivational nudge from Micah (thanks!), I finally finished the sheet for 4th Edition D&D. It's been submitted and should get approved in the near future. I think I've tested it out pretty thoroughly, setting up an "example":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/chainsawxiv-test-campaign/characters/sinruth-the-reformed for you guys to look at, but if you find any issues please let me know and I'll fix them up ASAP.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited July 2010
    *ChainsawXIV:* Looks awesome, your work keeps getting better and better. Hope it's available soon.
    Post edited by sandman on
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530 edited July 2010
    Thanks! Should be available round about... now. :)
    Post edited by ChainsawXIV on
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    bq). Thanks! Should be available round about
  • dragnsteph
    Posts: 10

    Probably a browser issue, but I can't click on "Crunch" and "Misc" on my PC here at work (IE8). It worked fine at home last night (Chrome).

  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Yeah. Totally forgot to cross-browser check like I usually do. I'll get that fixed up this evening. Incidentally, in IE8 for me, it's showing all in one column of the layout, instead of breaking across three. Is that just me, or are you seeing that too?
  • dragnsteph
    Posts: 10
    It looks more or less right format-wise to me, except that an image called dd4e_back_bottom.png is at the bottom of the sidebar column on the right, aligned with the bottom of the sheet. And then the broken links thing.

  • erwin
    Posts: 58
    I am really digging the 4e DCS.

    Great work, man. Much deserved props.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Thanks Erwin.

    Dragnsteph, what do you mean about the image at the bottom? (It's supposed to be at the bottom, but it should blend seamlessly with the rest of the background. If it's not doing that properly, I'm not sure I understand exactly what the problem is.)
  • dragnsteph
    Posts: 10
    It's at the bottom, but over to the right, like it's in the sidebar instead of underneath the sheet.
  • dragnsteph
    Posts: 10
    I'll post a screenshot when I get home from the office!
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50 edited July 2010
    "Here's a screen shot of what dragnsteph is talking about, which I see too.":http://www.mediafire.com/i/?0mm35mmf4oq

    I'm using IE8, 32bit version.
    Post edited by Dethstryke on
  • dragnsteph
    Posts: 10
    Yep, that's it exactly :) and that's the browser I was using at work, too.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Thanks for the bug reports guys, and the screen shot. I've submitted a version that fixes the reported issues, and a number of other IE8 formatting problems, so you should see those go away in the near future. I also fixed the image frame for wide character portraits while I was at it.
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