[Feature Request] A few map requests

edited June 2010 in Feature Requests
By and large, the reason I came to Obsidian Portal was the maps, and I'm super excited to get mine up and running, but I've got a few bones to pick with the current system.

1) There's no hard-edge to the maps, so you often see the edges of the image. I'm not sure if that's fixable with the current API, but it would be nice.

2) There's no option for a floating scale, legend, or compass, so you're forced to assume up is north, and you just hope that your players will head down to the bottom left corner to see what the scale is. Finally, if you have mystery symbols, they just get to guess. This could be fixed outside of the Google Map... allow simple editing on the page of the individual map so we can add text and images.

Otherwise, I'm stoked that this is even here.


  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    I agree, the map feature is probably one of my favourite things about OP and I'd love to see it improved. I mentioned a few suggestions myself a few days ago,
    "Shameless Bump":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1337&page=1#Item_7

  • Hardhead
    Posts: 65 edited June 2010
    Those are all great suggestions. I would like to add that it'd be nice if the furtherest zoom was removed. Right now, there's a close up zoom, a middle zoom which shows the whole map, and a... further zoom? That shows the full map as well, but smaller? I mean, why is that even there?

    It'd also be nice if the "full view" (the current middle level) was the default zoom instead of the zoomed in view.
    Post edited by Hardhead on
  • BrokenClock
    Posts: 51
    I would like it if the zoom view background was white, like everything else, instead of that soft gray. That seems stupid, but when you want to make a map that has that old tattered paper effect, it's important.
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Or maybe the option to choose background colors...
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50 edited July 2010
    The current background color codes for the soft gray are:

    HEX: E6E2DF
    RGB: 230,226,223
    HSV: 18,8,230

    so if you change your image edges to lay on that color instead of white as a background it will blend.

    More details about the constraints of the map system and why things are currently the way they are can be "found in this thread":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1137&page=1#Item_14.
    Post edited by Dethstryke on
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