Hello & Introduction

edited December 2007 in Player Lounge


  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Hello Obsidian Portal people! I'm Rob and I'm a gamer. I've been playing for the last ten years, starting in middle school with AD&D. I've lived with a couple that owned a gaming shop and I habitually buy obscure used games. I've played tons of systems but some of my personal favorites include World of Darkness (new and old), All Flesh Must Be Eaten, and some D&D Settings.

    I really don't like D&D's system since I far prefer storytelling over combat and the history of D&D is rooted heavily in combat. The few D&D settings I like are more for flavor then actual rules, like Iron Kingdoms or Midnight. The new Star Wars Saga Edition is a marked improvement on the D20 formula but I'm still not a huge fan. Thats not to say I don't run and play D20 games... currently I'm in a Star Wars Sage Edition game, an Iron Kingdoms D20 game, and I'm running a Midnight D20 game.

    Now, my love of the World of Darkness system might frighten some people. I've met some of those immature World of Darkness fans and I really want to stress that I don't want to be lumped in with them. I'm not goth and I don't spend everyday asking "How can I be more dark and spooky?" I'm just a regular guy who happens to think White Wolf's current Storyteller system really nails everything I like in Roleplaying.

    That all said, I'm building my next campaign here since my current one is too heavily developed already. I'll be running a World of Darkness game in a custom setting with lots of custom rules.. The campaign is called 'The Last Bastion of Freedom' and its set in a dystopia future earth. Please feel free to check it out and send me suggestions.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi there!

    Speaking of White Wolf, my DM (Florimel) loves the new Scion: Hero system because, well, he's apparently always had a thing for putting overpowered players into huge overarching cosmic situations - some of the stories he has started to tell me are mind-blowing. So he loves there being a game system that plays right into that. =)

    And I can sympathize with a campaign being too heavily developed to want to re-create it here. Still, if you come up with any really neat characters or items or plot twists, you may consider archiving those here for other peoples' inspiration. That's what I'm trying to help Florimel with, 'cept we don't see much of each other and it really is something we need to tackle while face-to-face. So it's kind of slow going right now.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Hello, and welcome to the site!

    bq. I really don’t like D&D’s system since I far prefer storytelling over combat and the history of D&D is rooted heavily in combat.

    It is, but that doesn't mean a D&D game can't have a fantastic story. Obviously, the storylines will be epic most of the time, but they can still be quite compelling. Many of the campaigns on this site alone are proof of that.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Oh don't get me wrong, I've played in some D&D games with great stories but I just wish their social mechanics were as evolved as their combat mechanics.

    And I've played Scion... its fun but my GM had a hard time thinking THAT epic and that overpowered. It got to the point that we had four very different Scions and the only thing that could take us down would be a Scion of the same build. Of course, that Scion could DESTROY someone of a different build... but /shrug\
  • Gyix
    Posts: 4
    ahh good ol WoD...i have to agree with you wholeheartedly. WW did a FANTASTIC job of working their mechanics. i'd LOVE to get in with someone running a chat-based WoD game espically if its olderschool (2nd ed V:TM to be precise)

    my buddies from back home and I played the same V:TM camp for nearly 6 years until i moved....got a mega itch going lol
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. Oh don’t get me wrong, I’ve played in some D&D games with great stories but I just wish their social mechanics were as evolved as their combat mechanics.

    I'm actually not a huge fan of a lot of social mechanics, period. I would rather that social situations be an issue of acting and roleplaying whenever possible, but I'm also not so naive as to assume that would always work.

    P.S. I intend to check over your campaign sometime tomorrow. I've had a long week at work, and I'm just trying to catch up with things here on the forums quickly before bed, so I don't know that I would be in the best state to be making comments now, but I do want to look it over later. :)
  • TroyAlford
    Posts: 33
    Welcome to the site. :) Always nice to meet someone else who appreciates D&D for it's good points - setting - and can see that its mechanics leave a lot to be desired. :)

    I am in the same boat as you're describing with my current game. I love the WoD rule system, so I'm running a D&D-feel fantasy game with D10 rules... and the thing I'm enjoying the most about it is being able to really think outside the box with how the different magic systems and powers work. A lot of my "D&D" characters have "Discipline"-style powers, and at the same time, we have a "wizard" who is actually throwing spells - and with D10, it all works very well together. I also love the fact that with only 7 hitpoints, my characters DON'T just dive into every combat opportunity - because it will get them slaughtered. :P They RP a lot, fight when story-appropriate or necessary, and seem to appreciate the fact that they get just as much XP whether they fight an army or talk to shopkeepers all day. :)

    /rant off - hehe... Seriously - welcome to the community. :)
  • AidanDark
    Posts: 56
    I've never tried WoD though I've heard good things about it (and the scary things too!)

    Welcome ;)
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Thank you all for the warm greetings. Allow me to retort on a few comments :D

    I'm in full agreement with photoneater on letting role-playing take priority over roll-playing but if you have players like mine sometimes the best they can muster is "I want to tell the king to go blow himself in the most courtly manner possible.. since I'm not noble but my character is, Here's my Manipulation+Socialize roll" and I want to be able to roll with that.

    The 7 health is a nice touch, but I find it detrimental to my combat focused players. I have a guy who rolls through characters ever few session because he makes a wrong move and gets wasted. Especially if your not a supernatural template that has some sort of augmented healing. Not that I'm complaining because I love running more social/political focused games and I get to weed out my combat engines right quick.

    So are you used Mage power for the Wizard character or are you limiting him to the Rotes? It would be a lot of fun to have the open ended feeling of magic but I'd totally understand if you wanted to limit your Wizard a touch in a fantasy game. Sometime in my mixed-settings games the Mages tended to overpower the other templates, even more so if you have a clever player.

    The scariest thing about WoD is some of its hardcore fanatic fans.... and the LARPers. (So I'm prejudice, so sue me)
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. The scariest thing about WoD is some of its hardcore fanatic fans…. and the LARPers. (So I’m prejudice, so sue me)

    Yeah, that is pretty epic in terms of being horrifying. But, to be fair, D&D really isn't any better about that sort of thing. Of course, LARPing is just fine, takes roleplaying to an entirely different level, but it does sort of have the potential to get a little silly.

    At the end of the day, though, all of favorite games and everyone who plays them (ourselves included) are ripe for parody, though.

    bq. I’m in full agreement with photoneater on letting role-playing take priority over roll-playing but if you have players like mine sometimes the best they can muster is “I want to tell the king to go blow himself in the most courtly manner possible.. since I’m not noble but my character is, Here’s my Manipulation+Socialize roll” and I want to be able to roll with that.

    I'll admit, I don't have that problem with my group- at least not since my I stopped inviting my younger brother to play. In the past, when it has happened, though, it drives me crazy.
  • TroyAlford
    Posts: 33
    Hey now. :P I LARP both WoD AND D&D - and it's a ton of fun. :P You callin' me horrific!? *shakes fist playfully*
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    That depends. Are you LARPing as a warrior or a caster? Because brightly colored "fireball" beanbags don't scare me much, but a longsword does. :p
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Yes. Yes I am.

  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    bq. If you stand up, you're LARPing

    I can't remember who said that, but I guess that means I became a LARPer a while back. Now, when I GM, I get really animated and mime the fireball throwing and axe swings and everything. I don't even realize I'm doing it. How dorky...
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    But do you do the funny voices? You're not GMing if you're not doing the funny voices.

    (I *LOVE* RPGA modules that involve kobolds or goblins, for this very reason.)
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. (I LOVE RPGA modules that involve kobolds or goblins, for this very reason.)

    I've always felt doing the voices would be offensive to Goblinoid-Americans. :P
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