SquidGirl Art, Stats, & Backstory Contest

edited September 2010 in General Discussion
Put your entries for the SquidGirl Art, Stats, & Backstory contest in this thread. Remember, we'll choose the winners based on a variety of criteria including attention to detail, humor, awesomeness, and amazingness. One grand prize winner will recieve a 100 dollar Amazon Gift Card. We'll also pick 5 runner ups (one in each of the 5 categories) and they will also win prizes. Winners will be chosen on Thursday September 16th at 6pm PST. Yes you can win in multiple categories, and yes multiple entries are allowed. Feel free to give feedback or constructive critisim with your fellow contestants.

Link to the contest description and rules: http://blog.obsidianportal.com/?p=989

Good luck!


  • preacher23
    Posts: 2
    September 23, 2042


  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    So this is what I decided to write. I think it falls into the "something else entirely but still about SquidGirl" catagory, though its only about her in a round about way. Leave it to me to write "outside the box". Feel free to not take this completely seriously. I just enjoyed writing it. :)

    Every intrepid adventurer, no matter how careful and intelligent, has the occasional gaffe. Most, however, don
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited September 2010
    "Here is my entry into the art contest.":http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/22064/Contest.jpg
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • PsychicMayhem
    Posts: 1 edited September 2010
    (The following statistics and backstory are for White Wolf's *Promethean: the Created*.)

    Strangely alluring, SquidGirl is a mystery among mysteries. She sticks to the back roads, but does not hide. She cannot help but be noticed, yet she survives.

    As best as anyone can tell, SquidGirl is a Promethean, a creature made from stolen corpses and strange alchemies. She doesn't talk about her creator, but if she did, she might tell of an obsessed, demented creature. Someone who believed himself a monster, and when he tried to make his malformed children, he instead made a beautiful aspect of his lineage.

    For any other Promethean, this may have been a time for rejoicing. For this foul creature, though, this was an aboritve attempt at crafting loyal minions. He never let her forget it.

    But the beatings and the mutilations did not break her spirit. Instead, SquidGirl figured out how to escape. She maintains the strange, disturbing beauty of her Galateid heritage despite her molluscoid appearance. Even so, she wears her mottled skin and tentacles like a badge of honor, taught to be intensely embarassed by her initially beautiful appearance. Perhaps someday, those wounds can heal.

    But right now, she lives only for today.

    SquidGirl can be a tragic ally, possibly brought back to the path to the Pilgrimage so that she may one day become human. Alternately, she may be a roving threat, a scared and angry victim who takes out her aggressions on anyone whom she encounters. Other Prometheans might comfort her as she learns she is not alone, or torment her as she realizes there are others like her creator. The statistics that follow represent a starting character.

    *Virtue/Vice:* Fortitude/Wrath
    *Lineage:* Galateid
    *Refinement:* Centimanus
    *Mental Attributes:* Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2
    *Physical Attributes:* Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
    *Social Attributes:* Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 2
    *Mental Skills:* Academics 1, Computer 1, Crafts 2, Investigation 2, Medicine 1
    *Physical Skills:* Athletics 3 (Jumping), Brawl 2, Drive 1, Firearms 3 (Pistols), Survival 1, Weaponry 2 (Improvised Weaponry)
    *Social Skills:* Intimidation 2, Streetwise 2
    *Merits:* Fast Reflexes 2, Fighting Style: Two Weapons 2, Fleet of Foot 1, Fresh Start, Gunslinger 3
    *Willpower:* 4
    *Humanity:* 5
    *Initiative:* 5
    *Defense:* 3
    *Speed:* 11
    *Health:* 7 (Size 5)
    *Azoth:* 1
    *Pyros:* 10/1
    *Bestowment:* Mesmerizing Appearance
    *Transmutations:* Scurry 1, Perfected Bezoar 2 (Blunt Weapons)

    If this version of SquidGirl does not provide an adequate challenge, or if you want a slightly more able, mutated, and well-known SquidGirl, the following statistics represent her as a Veteran Promethean:

    *Virtue/Vice:* Fortitude/Wrath
    *Lineage:* Galateid
    *Refinement:* Centimanus
    *Mental Attributes:* Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2
    *Physical Attributes:* Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
    *Social Attributes:* Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 2
    *Mental Skills:* Academics 1, Computer 1, Crafts 2, Investigation 2, Medicine 1
    *Physical Skills:* Athletics 3 (Jumping), Brawl 2, Drive 1, Firearms 3 (Pistols), Survival 1, Weaponry 2 (Improvised Weaponry)
    *Social Skills:* Intimidation 2, Streetwise 2
    *Merits:* Fast Reflexes 2, Fighting Style: Multi-Limbed Combat 4, Fighting Style: Two Weapons 2, Fleet of Foot 1, Fresh Start, Gunslinger 3, Repute 1
    *Willpower:* 4
    *Humanity:* 5
    *Initiative:* 5
    *Defense:* 3
    *Speed:* 12
    *Health:* 7 (Size 5)
    *Azoth:* 1
    *Pyros:* 10/1
    *Bestowment:* Mesmerizing Appearance
    *Transmutations:* Scurry 1, Perfected Bezoar 2 (Blunt Weapons), Hundred Hands 3 (Tentacles), Hundred Hands 3 (Tentacles)
    Post edited by PsychicMayhem on
  • Nyrehtak
    Posts: 2
    My previous life was trivial, though it should still be noted, I was once a stunning woman. It's almost embarrassing how my transportation and mutation happened. Right now I want it noted that I had the most beautiful hair in town. It was as golden as fresh wheat fields, shining in the sun. I was hired for multiple jobs simply on my hair. Sure they were only simple films, Ghost girl from Mars, Santa Sees Red, Harietta of Harlot, but I was proud of my work! I was living the high life with expensive dinners, parties until 2 am, fancy clothes and diamonds.

    I remember the day it happened quite vividly. I had been drinking too much that night and came home with a most unpleasant feeling in my stomach. My instant thought was to get some toast. The process was basic, grab bread, stick it in the toaster, lay head on counter and let the world spin while I wait for it to finish. So when the machine finishes and my toast didn't pop up, the natural response was to fetch it out. Using fingers burned, as I had learned from previous experience, so I grabbed the nearest thing I could find. This happened to be a highly conductive piece of metal called a fork. As I fished around in the toaster for my late night meal, I must have hit a live wire. I don't remember much really, only the quick zap, an upset stomach, and then poof! I was quite stunned to find myself still in my kitchen, lacking walls and planted in the center of a giant hole.

    Seriously, it was a hole. One gaping hole that I was smack in the center of still wearing my 300 dollar shoes and a very chilly sequined gown made of very sheer silk. Adding to the excitement of the day, I felt the squirming masses on my back. I swatted desperately, screaming as I tried to get them off. It took a good minute before I even realized that not only did my hair turn to tentacles, but my hands were now those squirmy things as well.

    Without going into too much history the best I can figure is that my lunch caused my problems. I had consumed a ridiculous amount of Calamari that evening, and it likely took that zappyness from the fork and toaster, and mixed it with my DNA and poof, I am now a living squidgirl. It hasn't been a bad life since then, I've learned new tricks taking as much as I remember from movies to kill what I needed to survive. My diet has suffered a bit, and I do miss the luxuries of my previous life, but I have to say it's exciting. Now if I could only get back home, I'd probably have the lead in so many films! I can't imagine how anyone wouldn't want the only squidgirl ever as their own personal actress! If they don't hire me, I'll just have to rip their heads off.
  • Qalin
    Posts: 1
    The squids attacked! Latching onto every face they came across and suctioning the life out of their bodies through their skulls. Marching through the streets of Washington D.C., the squids were unharmed by bullets and weaponry. The humans fought well, but it was in vain, nothing could save them now. The great Mother Squid followed her troops as they fought toward the capitol, waiting for the moment when they would rule the world.

    The humans had littered their home for too many years, making it almost impossible to live in. The recent oil spill down south had been the last straw, the squids had decided that the humans must pay, and what better way then to take over their world.

    The capitol was a little more difficult to claim. They had all of the military troops waiting for the invading squids and were successfully able to slay a fair number of the creatures. This, however, just enraged Mother Squid and she unleashed a flurry of acidic ink, killing everything outside the building in an extremely painful fashion. She proceeded to the main building and ripped the roof clean off, searching for the leader's whereabouts. After a few minutes of searching, she found him and immediately grabbed him and swallowed him whole.

    After a few minutes, she laid an egg on the desk of the president which hatched almost immediately. A voluptuous, beautiful Squidgirl emerged from the egg, dressed in a more "revealing" set of the president's clothes.

    A few days later, after the squids had destroyed a few more cities, the new president gave a speech, "Good morning America, I am Barack Obama, Squidgirl and your president..."
  • WesleyKinsmanHall
    Posts: 2 edited September 2010
    Here's my submission of art, titled: "Squid Girl at the Office":http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8quokUazk1qd4vx0o1_1280.png?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1284698199&Signature=hV7skgIcoISobw5a5RNPgs4YrL4%3D
    A subtitle might be: 8 arms + 1 keyboard= inefficient.
    Post edited by WesleyKinsmanHall on
  • alexholliz
    Posts: 1
    Squidgirl Origin
    Drafted after working at Best Buy during the Halo Reach midnight release

    ==Log Entry 0065==
    ==Dr. M. Krakov: Research==
    ==Project: Watery Grave==
    ==Subject: 3/13/2030 Status Report==

    Subject 51 escaped the holding bay today, and attacked several researchers and military staff. Of those attacked, two died. The rest are in critical condition, and the military could be shutting us down tonight. We shall see once their review team arrives.
    I suppose more explanation is in order, Subject 51; code: sq1d, (I
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114 edited September 2010
    All right then, I've finally got an entry for this contest - and another may follow, in a different category. This one probably falls most closely into "Something else entirely but still about Squidgirl." Readers may note that the characters Brutish Rabbit and Ratsca are based on those featured on the Gamma World box.

    Without further ado, allow me to present excerpts from Shakespeare's first great play: "Squidgirl Caesar":http://radiationsings.com/home/?p=220

    Post edited by JonathonVolkmer on
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    My non-story entry:

  • swinkee
    Posts: 3
    _Squidlike mutant_
    A young woman who spends most of her time at Bitter & Herb's. Nobody knows much about her, and she rarely involves herself with others. She is particularly reticent about her history, and even if asked directly, will not willing talk about herself, and will redirect any questions about her background. Some people say Bitter & Herb know more, but the bartender doesn't say anything.
    Al Amarjan woman, mutant, 175 cm, 67 kg, mottled purple skin, tentacles in place of arms and hair.
    *Languages*: English, Al Amarjan patois
    *Attack*: 4 die plus bonus, x2 damage (knife) or x3 damage (light pistol)
    *Defense*: 4 die plus bonus
    *Hit Points*: 28 (unnatural resilience)
    _Fighting_, 4 die: Squidgirl has devised a way of fighting that takes advantage of her tentacles, and has had many opportunities to practice it on the Edge. (Carries herself confidently)
    _Tentacles_, fringe trait: Dextrous entacles cover Squidgirl's head and replace her arms. (Bonus die on tasks relating to phyiscal dexterity, including fighting) (Covered in tentacles)
    _Distinct appearance_, flaw: Squidgirl, being bright purple and covered in tentacles, is always noticable where ever she may be. (Penalty die when trying to be stealthy or inconspicuous) (Purple skin)
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    Hey Swinkee, can you let us know what system that's for?
  • swinkee
    Posts: 3
    Gah, stupid computer; it's for Over the Edge.

    I'd've sworn I'd put a note to that effect at the beginning. Whoops.
  • OStephens
    Posts: 1
    Blovember 33rd
    You know it's going to be one of "those" days, sometimes. A SquidBoys in Cars day. A bad gill day. The kind of day when guys who think using old traffic signs as armor is somehow "retro" hit on you over and over.

    So, I *meant* to get up early, so I could polish my front-front-left and back-right-right-right bracelets before I went out on the town. But of course fight I had to wash my tentacles, and now I can't do a thing with them. And if that wasn't bad enough my gorgeous red mantle dye is fading, and I'm, showing tons of white on my central siphon.

    So, like, no problem, right? I have a dyelight, and all I need to do is take a few minutes to ray myself. So I start to strip down to get a nice violet thing going, when I hear someone just outside my window. I pull back the curtain, and some horn-headed perv mammal is watching my silhouette as I ray myself off! I swear, mammals will slap their hectocotyli to anything! I mena, my ink sack is showing, and this guy gets off on it!

    So I turn to grab my gun, because I am NOT letting some goat-hentai put pictures of me on the cybernet, you know, and a little ratroach has grabbed my dye ray! I JUST traded seventeen spare plates of knee-armor for that thing. So I grab a pistol, jacket, pants, leather bustier (the one Octavious likes so much, because I still hope to hook up at the club), rifle, some grenades, and a swimmin' new belt I found in Old New York last month, and get dressed with my headacles while firing the pistol at the ratroach and the rifle at the pervy goat-guy.

    The ratroach is faster than I wanted, and it makes it outside and runs toward a glowzone. I follow it outside and the goat-guy is running up neighing "You need help?" and I dressed by now, so I shrug a few feet of epi (and you KNOW I picked my reddest epis to shimmy at the guy), and we rang off after it.

    But the little sneak got away. And then octi didn't even make it to the vlub. But it turns out pervy goat-guy is part shellfish (not crabs... momma didn't raise no squidnoramous), which isn't so bad, and he likes the red-turns-to-pink look. But I AM going back to the glowzone tomorrow. If Octi shows up tonight, I am going to have an even dyejob!
  • erwin
    Posts: 58 edited September 2010
    *SquidGirl, Stay-At-Home Mom* "image link":http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4151/4993706437_5b3eb920b8_b.jpg
    Medium Natural Animate

    Level 11 Brute
    *XP* 500
    *Initiative* +15 *Senses Perception* +13
    *HP* 90; *Bloodied* 45
    *AC* 20; *Fortitude* 23, *Reflex* 21, *Will* 20
    Speed 7

    *Tentacles* (standard, at-will)
    +15 vs AC; 2d6+3 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape).

    *Punish: Chores* (standard, at-will)
    Targets a creature grabbed by SquidGirl; +13 vs Fortitude; 3d6 + 3 damage, and the target is dominated (save ends). Does dishes, cleans room etc.

    *Beam Staff* (standard, recharge ) Lightning
    Close blast 5; does not target creatures dominated by Squidgirl; +13 vs Will; 2d8+3 lightning damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).

    *Alignment* Evil *Languages* Deep Speech, Common, Old Lady
    *Skills* Intimidate +16, Diplomacy +16, Heal +12, Acrobatics +15
    *Str* 13 (+6) *Dex* 20 (+10) *Wis* 14 (+7)
    *Con* 17 (+8) *Int* 17 (+8) *Cha* 23 (+11)

    edit: formatting
    Post edited by erwin on
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114 edited September 2010
    Okay, here's entry number 2, in the Stats category. I've chosen to use the Necessary Evil setting for Savage Worlds to model Squidgirl's remarkable abilities.

    Post edited by JonathonVolkmer on
  • AnimaUmbrae
    Posts: 2
    My entry is a little irregular, and as such, I can't post an exact link to it here. But if you search for "Jane Gameson" on Facebook and see the Gamma World cover you should be able to find it (for whatever reason, Facebook decided that "Squidgirl" didn't constitute the name of a real person). Make sure to scroll all the way down on the wall, to check out the interests, and to scope out the photos. By way of warning, some of the content is mildly adult-oriented, but I don't think any of it is explicit enough to qualify for entry into the Book of Vile Darkness.
  • Omnus
    Posts: 4
    Entry 1: SquidGirl Game Stats

    System: It Came From the Late, Late, Late Show
    Actor's Name: Marlena Jillham
    Motivation: Firing the Idiot Agent Who Got Me This Gig as SquidGirl
    Personality: Basic diva stuck in B-Movies. Because she's the most attractive female in these movies typically, she gets the most revealing costumes.

    Basic Abilities: Build 21, Dexterity 30, Brains 17, Looks 37, Fame 57, Survival Points 78, Stunt Double Points 78

    Combat Talents: Knife 38, Power Tools 30, Unarmed Combat 27
    Other Talents: Acrobatics 42, Acting 50, Animal Husbandry 32, Bluffing 60, Carousing 60, Cheerleading 49, Cooking 22, Etiquette 27, Lying 45, Persuasion 60, Screaming 53, Singing 22

    Talent Coaching: Head Tentacle Multi-Tasking (Expert) 50, Energy Weapons (Ranged) (Expert) 50

    Props: Energy Rifle (50 DAM), Energy Pistol (35 DAM), Sci-Fi Shrinkable/Collapsable Massage Table and Vibro- Attachments (The kind that no one can't figure out where they first appeared on film)

    Wardrobe: SquidGirl Tentacle Rig/Mask, Tons o' Alien Makeup, Tight Faux-leather Micro-shorts and matching jacket (in tasteless green, just ask her), Thigh-high Boots, Green Armored Bikini Top

    Role: In "SquidGirl: Masseuse Through The Stars" by Gamma World Studios, SquidGirl is an intergalactic masseuse who, in the course of her duties to rub the stress out of the highest-paying aliens in the galaxy, stumbles upon a plot to Destroy Life As We Know It. Constantly (and hilariously) finding and the losing the Key to the Doomsday Device, she ends up discovering the inner heroine within herself and a heart of gold and saves the Galaxy.
  • Omnus
    Posts: 4 edited September 2010
    Entry #2: "Something Else Entirely, But Still About SquidGirl"

    For your reading pleasure, a limerick:

    SquidGirl, upon turning thirty,
    Still found herself acting quite flirty,
    As she aged she still had "it"
    But readers who lack wit
    Would hope that this poem'd be dirty!


    So sayeth Omnus.
    Post edited by Omnus on
  • AnimaUmbrae
    Posts: 2
    That's a good one there, Omnus.

    Oh, and I should probably specify, in case it's not clear, that my entry is in the "Something Else Entirely, But Still About SquidGirl" category.
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    Final Entry for me, I promise: Journal Entry

  • Omnus
    Posts: 4
    Thanks Anima. May limericks never die.
  • Omnus
    Posts: 4
    Entry #3: SquidGirl's Background

    SquidGirl's real name is unpronounceable to human mouths and unable to be adequately written in Galactic Standard, but the sound is close to a seagull being chomped upon by an orca rising from the water if you were directly underneath in the water. It's actually a little too quaint, but her mother picked it for sentimental reasons. Her parents were a fringe artist (painting pictures of things in various states of decay as a statement on the state of society) and a driven, successful businesswoman. She strove to excel past her podlings and worked to get into the DryWorlder Beyond program. Interplanetary travel fascinated her, and she could leave her squabbling siblings behind her! With a fanatical devotion to self-improvement and education, she received a degree and advanced into the program.

    The IntraGalactic Uplift Program sponsored by several of the senior species in the galactic collective ensured that when the planet dubbed Aquellious-5 made contact, it would not go unanswered. SquidGirl was one of the pioneers from her world that first met otherworlders. It led to amazing discovery after discovery, a few social blunders (most other species prefer to eat DEAD food, fascinating!), and the formation of a group of interspecies ambassadors (officially, in reality they help fight the kind of chaos that special tensions and prejudice can foster). The group picked names for each other, and gave SquidGirl her name. Of course, she had some say in what the other's names would be, so the human OverbearingApe (formerly Major Rex Riley), the Andromedan strong-being LoudHairy (strange people, those Andromedans, worshiping road signs seen while viewing old Earth broadcasts) and the quadrupedal Zippy McRunsFast joined her in becoming the Galactic Quartet! Using her peoples' energy weapons and obsessed with eliminating vermin, SquidGirl has found a niche, and new friends.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited September 2010
    "Here is my entry in the Stats contest":http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/6710/squidgirlcontestentry.jpg

    The system is essentially 4th Edition D&D modified to what I think a similar Gamma World system would look like.
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited September 2010
    EDIT: Corrected a few spelling errors. Silly ol' Duskreign and his stupid, stupid brain...

    "Here is my entry in the Backstory contest":http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/5065/squidgirlcontestentry2.jpg

    The above link is formatted to match my character sheet design for my "Stats contest entry,":http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/6710/squidgirlcontestentry.jpg both of which include my "Art contest entry.":http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/22064/Contest.jpg

    For the sake of making this easier to read, I will copy/paste the text from my Backstory below:

    Twenty-two years ago, a scout from the city of Lost Orleans was diving for salvage in the treacherous waters that were once known as the Gulf of Mexico, but were now simply called the Deadwaters. The name was a misnomer, as the Deadwaters teemed with aquatic life. However, none who braved the fatal salt-rich waves of the Deadwaters lived to reap the rewards of such a foolhardy expedition. However, desperate times are effective motivators for such suicidal pursuits. In the case of this particular scout, the rewards were far greater than even the greatest of risks...

    While examining the remains of an ancient shipwreck, the scout discovered a school of squid that seemed to be gesturing for him to follow, as if driven by some bizarre external intellect. Finding his curiosity impossible to deny, the scout dove into the remains of an ancient sunken oil rig, where a glowing Colossal Squid reached out to him, its massive tentacles bearing the bundled form of a tiny infant, wrapped in the worn remains of an ancient Texan flag. Psychically, the squid informed the scout of how the infant came to be among the squid of the Deadwaters. A mutant, the infant was discarded into the gulf by her ignorant mother, abandoned and forgotten, but still adaptive in her mutations. Upon exposure to the psychic squid, she took on several cephalopod-like traits, including the ability to breathe in salt water.

    The scout returned from his treasure hunting expedition with the greatest treasure of all, a daughter of his own in this all-too-lonely world. Naming her Sarah, after his long departed sister, the scout raised Sarah to follow in his
    footsteps as a freelance scout, guiding travelers across the savage territories along the coast of the Deadwaters, from Atlanta to New Dallas, which was where the scout would eventually retire, handing the family business over to his "daughter", Sarah.

    Known as "Squidgirl" by friend and foe alike, Sarah gained a reputation as a girl who gets the job done. She is renowned for her battlefield tenacity and willingness to take on even the most dangerous jobs, so long as the pay is
    right. However, Sarah has a potent moral compass and a sentimental heart, which often are at odds with this harsh world she lives in. As a result, she has made as many deadly enemies as she has solid friends during her career.

    One of these enemies, a cyborg and corrupt marshal named Lucian Reigns, set an ambush for her father, capturing him and holding him hostage to force "Squidgirl" into performing a morally reprehensible job. We see "Squidgirl" on the cover of the new Gamma World RPG Box Set, battling her way to the entrance of Reigns's stronghold, hoping to rescue her captive father...
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    "My fourth entry, under the Something else entirely but still about SquidGirl Category":http://www.mediafire.com/?t6188a8ag3v72b0

    Squidgirl sings!
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    My final entry: Under the Journal category (I wanted to be thorough)

    Journal Entry 118, Galveston, June 8th, 2410, 8:18 PM,

    My latest clients are a pair of scientists who want to go to the ruins of Cape Canaveral in old Florida. Of course, it's all underwater, now, and I'm pretty uniquely equipped for the task. They balked at my fee, but it was bluster. As soon as I stood up from the table, they were scrambling around, stalling me, making excuses. They did the same thing they all do... they made bulls#!t promises about deposits now and big payoffs after arriving. This time, though, I was bluffing as well. I have always wanted to check out the Neverglades and dive into the briny Caribbean Deeps. Besides, the younger scientist is kinda cute. I might let him work off a little of his fee along the way, if he's lucky.

    This job isn't going to be easy. First of all, I'm in Galveston, and we have to travel about 1,000 miles overland before we even get to the 'Glades. There are only two clear roads heading in that direction, and one is patrolled by The Marshal. So, that one's out. The other is infested with Ghouls, which honestly is better than dealing with Marshal Reigns, but the clients are afraid. For scientists, they sure are superstitious. They think if they go into Ghoul territory, they'll wind up ghouls themselves. Fools. Ghouls don't make people into ghouls. They make them into supper! And still, I'd rather take my chances with them than with Reigns. That maniac thinks he's a damn judge, jury, and executioner. In truth, only the last one has ever held true.

    The clients haven't heard about The Marshal's less-savory habits. Of course not. Folks around here thing the man is a damn hero, a reminder of how great the world was before everything went to hell, before the war, during the time of the Ancients. They romanticize him, and he laps it up like a greedy little puppy. He wears a badge, calls himself a lawman in a land without laws, and set himself up quite the fantasy world, full of stupid, weak-willed fools willing to believe in his hype. He was powerful and dangerous, but there wasn't a lick of nobility in that man. He didn't give a flying f#@& about the people. All he cared about was getting away with inflicting as much pain as he possibly could. And if I took him out, I would go down in whatever's left of history as a villain. A damn evil murderer. He kills more people before breakfast than I have ever had the displeasure of, but he's a hero, and I'm the scum?

    If that's what the world was like before the war, then I say, let the Ancients have it. This world is terrible, a wasteland where suffering and death are a part of our everyday lives, but I would rather look out at this wasteland, see it for what it is, and know where I stand. From the sounds of things, the Ancients lived in a damn fantasy, just like The Marshal, thinking they were so much better off than they were, yet not really grasping how easy they had it compared to how it would eventually be.

    How the hell did I get so far off topic? I blame this swill the bartender brought me. I had to start writing this page three times over already because the acid they serve in this dump makes my eyes cross and my tentacles quiver. But hey, it's not like I'm about to run out of ink, right? And at least they'll serve me, here. Most places don't serve muties.

    Anyway, long day of planning ahead of me tomorrow. And the more I drink, the worse I'll be in the morning.

    Hell, maybe that ain't a bad thing after all...

    Well, that's my last entry. Today's the last day, everyone! Good luck! :D
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    You Squidgirl sings entry has given me inspiration Duskreign! I can't tell what it's inspiring right now, but I think I've got one more entry in me...back soon!

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    LOL, really?

    OH NOES! What if I inspire you to create the winning entry?!

    J-Vol, you da man! :D I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

    My favorite part of the song was obviously the ending, where she essentially breaks down, and you realize that she probably didn't mean for what she was saying to be a song at all. In a way, it almost qualifies as a Journal entry :P
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114 edited September 2010
    Haha, if this entry is a winner then you can share in my glory - metaphorically speaking ;-)

    Okay, so I have no real sense of rhythm when it comes to sound or movement, but I can see it on the page, so here's my final entry. I think it could fit equally well into either Background or Something Else:

    "The Ballad of Tentacled Doom":http://radiationsings.com/home/?p=231


    P.S. If someone puts this to music, I may well weep black, inky tears of thanks.
    Post edited by JonathonVolkmer on
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