Dynamic Character Sheets



  • jwalduck
    Posts: 3
    The help section indicates that jQuery should be available. From the help section on DSTs:
    "jQuery: We use jQuery extensively, and it is available for use in your DST's javascript, so feel free."

    I can see jQuery being used in characters.js. What do I have to do to get it working in my own JS?
  • jwalduck
    Posts: 3
    Just bumping this. Any answers on how to get jQuery working in a DST Javascript file.
  • MickyLevi
    Posts: 9 edited January 2011
    Hi all!

    Just entering the fray with my own DST at the moment. Its for Eclipse Phase and, while its mostly all going well so far, i'm having two small issues with it.

    Here's a pic: "LINK":http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e348/Micky_TK/ep_dst_ss_1.png

    On the left is my testing document, on the right is my test character here on the website.

    Seems like I'm picking up some formatting from the site stylesheets.... any suggestions?

    Also... where is the description text going? I keep entering stuff there and it vanishes when i click save.
    Post edited by MickyLevi on
  • MickyLevi
    Posts: 9
    Making good progress! Sorting a lot of stuff out.

    Working on the skills section now. Starting to feel like this really needs a database or something, heh.

    Any javascript gurus out there who feel like they can help? Mostly just for stuff like plugging certain values into the skills area and then totalling them up - to save having to enter a bajillion numbers manually, mostly :)
  • MickyLevi
    Posts: 9
    Just a thought about DSTs...

    I've been also thinking about putting together a DST for NPC characters, and it'd be cool if we could have it split into two pieces somehow, using certain flags in the code, so that one part of the DST is in the public section, and another part of the DST is down in the GM only area.

    So the public and players would be the basic info of the NPC, but really important crunch like stats and powers and attacks would go down in the GM-only bit.

    How easy would this be to do, do you think? Making the public part is easy, we can do that already, but allowing for a GM-only area within the DST?
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Cool idea! This could be supported server side, but it would be even better to simply expose a variable to the javascript indicating whether or not the current user is a GM or the owner of the character. That would allow DST developers to show, hide, or modify individual fields as well as sections. Unauthorized players could, in theory, still get at the secret data, but they'd have to go to moderately extraordinary means to do so, and we're not launching nuclear missiles here.
  • MickyLevi
    Posts: 9
    Here, this is kinda what i had in mind... (Screenshot from Dreamweaver)

    "CLICK HERE":http://purplefox.squarespace.com/storage/filedump/npc_dst.jpg

    Btw, ChainsawXIV, how do you style your input fields and form stuff so well? Thats causing me real trouble, heh.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Hmm... that kind of depends on what exactly you're having trouble with. There are a couple of tricks. Hit me with some details and I'll help you out.
  • MickyLevi
    Posts: 9
    Well, mostly along the lines of trying to get the form / input areas to match up in height and width and align with the div or span that they're nesting inside.

    I'd also kinda like better support for multi-line text entry or lists or something, but that feels like more of a fantasy somehow.

    Once the latest round of updates for my character sheet are approved, I can invite you into the test campaign and you can see for yourself :)
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    The trick with the inputs is that the code will take the height and width set for the the _span_ tag that's being converted, but only if they're explicitly set in the CSS. If you loook at the _div.ds_chainsawxiv_exalted .typeq_ style in my sheets' "CSS":http://www.obsidianportal.com/dynamic_sheet_templates/2, you'll see that's what I've done there - set an explicit height and width, and used inline block display so that the span itself (which is normally dynamically sized) also takes those values. This works well for the most part, but if data may line-wrap inside the element, you'll want to leave off the height or set it using _min-height_, in which case you're stuck with a slight change in height between the input and the normal display. The jEditable code doesn't take all the factors into consideration for dynamically sized elements.

    I've engineered my own javaScript solutions for both lists and multi-line text, which you're welcome to use if you like. You can get them right out of the script section on the page linked above. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a PM, and I'll be happy to help you through the setup.
  • MickyLevi
    Posts: 9
    I'm not sure that would work well with my sheet, pretty much all my heights and widths are elastic or percentage based.... Looking at yours, you seem to have a series of pre-set sizes that you're setting on the input areas using extra classes? I guess i might have to do that too, but again using em or % values instead of pixels.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Yeah. You end up needing fixed sizes because of the way jEditable works. It doesn't try very hard to calculate the proper sizes of things.
  • Karelzarath
    Posts: 13
    Would it be possible to get the data payload added to the options of _dataPreLoad? It would be easy to get around the requirement to hardcode the number of feats/weapons/etc. by simply storing the number of each relevant data point and allowing the preload function to peek and reconstruct the form to accommodate the incoming data.

    For example, you could have a table row that contains fields named dsf_weapon_1_name, dsf_weapon_1_damage, dsf_weapon_1_weight, etc. and a single field named dsf_weapon_count. As each new row is added via javascript (dsf_weapon_2... dsf_weapon_3..., etc.) that field is incremented. Then, during _dataPreLoad, you check the value of data.weapon_count and create a new, properly-formatted row for each of the expected incoming values.

    Bam, complex arrays done simply.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    The list functionality used in "my sheets":http://www.obsidianportal.com/dynamic_sheet_templates/2 does something along the lines of what you're talking about actually. Technically, it just keeps looking for numbered entries until there aren't any more, but the net result is the same - non-fixed, dynamic lists.
  • Karelzarath
    Posts: 13
    I came up with a solution. Check out "the code":http://www.obsidianportal.com/dynamic_sheet_templates/75 and "the results":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wastelanders/characters/nik and let me know what you think.
  • Errant
    Posts: 4
    So what's the simplest way to toggle visibility of one of three divs, given that we can't use html IDs as hooks for javascript? I'm a bit new to working with javascript and CSS and this is doing my head in.
  • Karelzarath
    Posts: 13
    In the callback functions, you get an 'options' parameter. This is an object and one of the properties is 'containerID'. That will tell you the ID of the current sheet, which is important if there are multiples on the same page. Using jQuery, you can do something like this:

    $("#" + options['containerId'] + " .myDiv1").hide();

    Just make sure that the three divs you want to manipulate have unique classes assigned to them. That will function as pseudo-IDs relative to the parent container. Check out the aous_dataPreLoad function in my "the code" link above to see how I'm doing that for the read-only display.

    Let me know if you have further questions.
  • neonbasschild
    Posts: 20 edited December 2011
    Just to check has anyone used AP Div? Looks to me like a very simple way to make sheets. Make a image of the sheet and then just draw on the AP Div boxes that you need over the sheet. The only thing is that I am not sure how it will work since if the z-index is moved to another spot in the page it will change were the div boxes show up at. I have no way of telling if the wiki setup will change its z-index or the page for the character that you open is kinda like a frame with its own properties in the browser. I have never worked with a wiki setup before.
    Post edited by neonbasschild on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Bumping and still hoping for sticky...

    Just trying to help out.

  • nodskou
    Posts: 7
    Gumshoe character sheets should be some of the easiest sheet of all to create, but no one have done it yet, and I don't know how to.

    Can someone please help and create a "standard" Gumshoe character sheet?
  • Theoremancer
    Posts: 15
    I've created a DST for Spirit of the Century and submitted it for approval a few weeks ago (March 19). However, I've heard nothing back yet. Presumably the OP guys are working on their huge infrastructure upgrades, so I'm not expecting instant turn-around, but I would think approving a new DST would go pretty quickly. For someone starting a new campaign, it would be very helpful to have it available to my players sooner rather than later. Thanks!
  • Sorwen
    Posts: 64 edited April 2012
    There is something different between here and the developer kit. On the Hero System 4e sheet I just submitted when I use the developer kit it works fine, but here it looks really wrong.
    Post edited by Sorwen on
  • Theoremancer
    Posts: 15
    @Sorwen, it's probably a styling issue. The OP site's CSS can interfere with your DST. I had the same issue, and I just had to use Chrome's inspector (Firebug works too) to find out which styles to override in my own DST's CSS.
  • Sorwen
    Posts: 64 edited April 2012
    K. Thanks! I'll look into that tonight.

    Edit: Maybe it is because it is too long. When I go back in to edit it doesn't show all of the code.
    Edit2: Finally got it trimmed down enough the whole sheet fits, but it is still not formatted right. Forgot to try Firebug. I'll need to try that tonight.
    Post edited by Sorwen on
  • cczernia
    Posts: 8
    I got my DST approved and was wondering what the process was for updating it? If I update it does the DST suddenly become unavailable to all players or does it start to version with the players having access to the latest approved while I have access to the working DST?
  • Theoremancer
    Posts: 15
    Saw this on the DST edit form: "If you're modifying a previously approved DST, then everyone else uses the most recent approved version."
  • cczernia
    Posts: 8
    Thanks MALfunction84

    I was also wondering what is the preferred way to get a value from the DOM. I know we aren't suppose to use ids and using jquery throws an error. Are people using getElementByClassName functions?
  • Theoremancer
    Posts: 15
    I just use jQuery. What error are you seeing?
  • cczernia
    Posts: 8
    I was getting "$ object not found". I noticed you used "jQuery" instead of the $. That seems to work.
  • PinkRose
    Posts: 11 edited October 2012
    Can a mashed-up D&D game DST be submitted and then linked to an "other" game system?
    Post edited by PinkRose on
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